顶上来我2008-03-03 17:29写的一个帖子。现在还是没改变想法。



这段时间的事情, 我个人有个观点:

自从fed减息以来,美元受到空前的下压力 (无论是在外汇市场还是期货市场), 同时对美国宏观经济的展望也推波助澜了这股势头。而在这股势头下,更多人们已经建立起了作空的堡垒(应该不乏有索洛斯,罗杰斯等人吧。 ), 这更是雪上加霜。 在这个时候,有人开始说了:美国地位有可能不保了! 我对此话有赞同,又有非议:即在经济层面上,我对美国未来一, 二年的GDP growth不是很乐观, 但是远没到经济大萧条的地步; 另外,我一向认为政经不分家。 作为一个政治大国,在经济出问题的时候,在游戏规则以外的东西就会显现出来了。但是,会怎样? 我们还是拭目以待吧。

至于isolation, 我看言之过早(其实几家大银行也都有此意):新兴市场的GDP中出口的比重还是太大, 中国就是个例子, 看看那外汇储备就知道。而且,进口国是谁呢?美国首当其冲,然后是欧洲。略说一下欧洲,有人认为它isolate from US 吗?如果有, 那就看看sub-prime loss吧! 现在,再看看美元在里面起到的重要关系吧:首先,我在上一段提到,fed为了让credit market不死掉,选择了大幅降息,所以牺牲美元短期(或是未来一,二年的时间)的价值。这部棋同时也缓解了通货膨胀的压力。在某种程度上还能辅助国内出口。 另一方面我们看看其他国家, 美元贬值,各大出口都会在本来美国需求减少的情况下被更大的抑制, GDP会受到直接影响。这一旦发生,就会有更大的连锁反应, 在高通货膨胀的情况下(而且基本上都是国内供需所造成的),工人薪金的向上压力更大。

给个最坏打算: 在这出口萎缩,内部压力增加的时候,整个经济就会举步维艰!而靠出口混饭的就先去了, 然后就是银行出现坏帐,信贷缩紧,在后,越来越多公司没有足够的现金流支撑而倒闭, 工人下岗, 然后,各项贷款给不起,破产。 当然,房地产会陪伴整个周期。 诚然,这些还没估计到政府的宏观调控。我想,央行也会学fed这样给市场注入资金, 毕竟我们国家比97年的时候富了很多。可是“富“还是有相对性的。到时候就要看看各国的底子了。我相信会比97好!



总之,我个人中短期看空,直到有很明确的大牛信号出现。 希望,筒子们在这波大牛过去之时, 能够调整心理,学学怎么过熊市,毕竟现在的金融市场已经有越来越多的工具给我们了。 还有,无论多大风浪,总有避风港。如果你真的够牛, 就找到它们吧。
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2 个回答


1. market now is focusing on the global slowdown, while inflation has become the 2nd consideration, especially after oil retreat to 113 level. just these 2 weeks, EU has shown the obvious negative data, and Australia too. in fact, even japan and china, HK have also shown slowdown last week.

2. over last few days, News goes on in US side: Freddie and Fannie. ok, ppl in the world, i believe, have been tired to hear their names. well, what market is waiting to see if most likely to be Nationalizaion of them, or some other alternatives, but bear in mind, they are NOT to fail, no matter what!

3. so where is bottom? when to recover? i think only god knows. but there r some important turning points needed to monintor: firstly, it is that housing price stops dropping. this is key, as this is the only way stop the f***ing banks MARKING-TO-MARKET! secondly, there must be accommandative credit policy or environment to assist the housing and financial industry to stablize so as to gradually recover their loss. so there we go...these are the phases, but i dun know how long will the phases last.

besides, be cautious on few sectors now: financial, property, base metals(especially steels), coal, engergy. as for the rest, pls find those generating high dividends, i think ,常昊got many these counters. (we do need to learn from senior who has gone through the cycle!)

last but not least, best wishes to all of you. happy investing, happy living!

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