
借朋友的ID问个问题,请知道的朋友答一下, 很急!
几年前父母来过,当时我们还不是PR,所以公司拿押金帮申请的Long Term Permit,后来没有renew。这次过来前发现护照过期,重新办过。我们现在已经PR,在网上申请engtry visa。结果填写最后部分的时候没注意,一律选了"No",包括以前有没有持不同护照来过新加坡。结果拿到了Entry Visa.然后过来了,入海关也没有问题。 现在我在网上给他们申请Long Term Permit,只好跟申请Entry Visa的时候一样,全选了”No". 还是没有填写上次来新加坡用的另一个护照号码。这样会不会有问题?
不知道有没有人有过相似的情况?如果申请Long Term Permit 填写的信息跟申请Entry Visa的信息不一样,会不会有问题?
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2 个回答


take note if the eventual FIN number is the same as the one before
if it's the same, ICA already knows that its the same person and if they pursue, they will have records showing your parents' old passport numbers and hence your false declaration. But don't worry too much, I don't think they will pursue further as long as you remain genuine and lawful.

If it's different, up to you if you wish to inform ICA.

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  • 寇诚旭 提出于 2019-07-19 16:24