

Why you need a will no matter how young you are.

I will tell you 3 stories to prove my point:-

1. Ma Qin (f) and Zhou Jian (m) are lovers on campus. Zhou was diagnosed with leukaemia and cannot attend class. Ma looked after Zhou and after she had graduated supported Zhou with her salary. When Zhou passed away Zhou's parents came and accused Ma of converting Zhou's property for her own use and was unwilling to reimburse the money spent by Ma on Zhou's funeral from Zhou insurance money.

1. 马琴(女)和周健(男)是大学校园中的情侣。后周建被诊断患有白血病,因此不能再继续学业。马琴不仅照顾周健,而且毕业之后在经济上援助周 健。当周健过世后,周健的父母出来责备马琴将周健的财产据为己有,并且不愿意将马琴为周健葬礼垫付的钱从周健亡故所获赔的保险金中偿还给马琴。

2. Lu Meng (m) and Tan Lu (f) are a couple living in Singapore. They had their differences and quarrel quite often. During one quarrel Tan threatened to jump off their flat. Lu did not dissuade her. Tan jumped and died. Yet all of Tan's property passes to Lu under Singapore succession law.

卢孟(男)和谭璐(女)是一对住在新加坡的夫妇。他们由于种种分歧经常吵架。在一次争吵中,谭璐威胁说她要跳楼。而卢孟并没有劝阻她。谭璐遂跳 楼致死。然而,根据新加坡的继承法,谭璐的所有财产都在其自杀后依法归卢孟所有。

3. Chen Qiang migrated to Singapore and together with Yang Bei started a company. Due to financial hardship Chen Qiang committed suicide. Without a will Chen Qiang's widow was only able to deal with Chen Qiang's shares in the company after the Grant of Letter of Administration unsteady of immediately had he made a will. By which time Yang Bei had transferred the money out of the company and absconded with the moneys.

陈强移民来新加坡,并且与杨蓓在新加坡成立了一家公司。由于公司财务面临危机,陈强自杀。由于陈强生前没有立下遗嘱,陈强的遗孀只能按照没有遗 嘱的情形,首先申请担任遗产执行人,来处理陈强在这家公司中的股份。然而,杨蓓已经利用陈强遗孀申请担任遗嘱执行人的这段时间,将公司中的资金 转移至别处,并且携款潜逃。

Do you sympathize with the plight of Ma Qin, the family of Tan Lu and Chen Qiang’s widow in all the aforesaid cases?

The situation could be avoided if the deceased had executed a will before their death. So it does not matter how young you are or how much assets you have.

Plan your will today.




钟庭辉是一名资深的职业律师和仲裁员。 钟律师毕业于新加坡国立大学法学院。完成学业后,他开始在法律界展露拳脚,1990年成为新加坡最高法院律师,随后创立了钟陈律师事务所。至今,钟律师有超过16年的法律工作经验,法律业务领域涵盖银行、金融、公司、房产、知识产权、民事诉讼、刑事案件、遗嘱、家庭纠纷以及商业仲裁等各个方面。《新加坡法律报告》曾报道过多起钟律师负责的案件。

2000年,钟律师被任命为山东省国际贸易促进委员会调解中心调解员, 2005年又成为广西壮族自治区钦州仲裁委员会委员,随后多次参与了新加坡和中国大陆之间的调解与仲裁工作。



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  • 甄洁 提出于 2019-07-19 16:24