北京大学校友聚会通知 ( PKU Alumni in Singapore Gathering )


距离上次聚会已经很长时间了。高兴的通知大家,我们已经定了北大校友再次聚会的时间并预定了场地。我们希望,这次聚会能够增强身在狮城的校友间的联系。通过聚会,您可以与师弟师妹们分享你的宝贵经验,也可以向师兄师姐们寻求善意的建议和忠告。我们希望并且相信,这次聚会,不仅能够让您认识到更多的校友,也会对您的今后的发展有所裨益。所以,诚恳期待各位校友的热心参与。这次聚会的另一项议题是,恢复成立于 2004 年的校友会的运作。作为保持校友间联系和校友间互相交流的纽带和平台,校友会应该和能够发挥更大的作用。请大家互相转告。


Time: 5pm-9pm, Sep. 9, 2006 (Saturday)

Venue: NUS staff club, Aquarius room. (NUS staff club is located near the NUS swimming pool, and the Aquarius room is at the first level of NUS staff club, next to the Fratello's Fussion Restaurant. Please refer to the location map http://www.nus.edu.sg/staffclub/map.html.)

费用:预计 15元(包括晚餐)。


下午 5: 00-7: 00,自由交谈

晚上 7: 00-8: 00, 晚餐时间

晚上 8: 00-9: 00, 讨论校友会相关事宜。

这次我们采用 AA制分摊费用。但我们热烈欢迎对以后活动甚至这次聚会的各种形式的赞助。:-)

最后,请要参加的校友, 务必回信至 [email protected] ,以便我们根据人数合理的预定餐食。多谢大家的关注,并热切期盼与各位聚会上相见。

Hi, everyone,

It has been a long time we haven't get together. We are very glad to inform you that we have booked the place and fixed the time for our PKUer's gathering. The objective of the gathering is to enhance the connections between the PKU alumni in Singapore. According to the meeting, you can share your valuable experience with juniors and seek helpful advice from seniors. Hopefully, these communications will promote the professional and personal growth of our alumni. We also aim at enhancing our alumni association, which was founded during last gathering in 2004. This will help us keep in touch. Please tell all the PKUers you know.

The details of this PKU alumni gathering are as follows:

Time: 5pm-9pm, Sep. 9, 2006 (Saturday)

Venue: NUS staff club, Aquarius room. (NUS staff club is located near the NUS swimming pool, and the Aquarius room is at the first level of NUS staff club, next to the Fratello's Fussion Restaurant. Please refer to the location map http://www.nus.edu.sg/staffclub/map.html.)

Price: approximately S$15 per person (dinner included)

The proposed schedule

5:00pm- 7:00pm free connecting.

7:00pm-8:00pm dinner time

8:00pm-9:00pm discussion on alumni association

This time, we will share the cost. Please make the payment on your registration. But we warmly welcome sponsorship in any form for the future activities or maybe even for this time.

For the alumni who want to participate the gathering, please make sure you reply this email ([email protected]) to confirm. This is for the sake of ordering food. We have to know the number of participants to properly arrange the food. Thanks a lot and look forward to meeting you during the gathering.

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