Dear Uncle Chung, could you please kindly advise on my renovation


我装修合同一共18,000. 我还剩5%没付。可是装修商只做了60-70%的工,还剩下6300块左右。他一推再推,说好这个月底给我做完。结果从上个星期开始,他不接电话,不回短信。我准备周末去他家找他。问题是一些重要的部分没做好,比如说房间门没有。还有些裸露的电线没收尾,给我日常生活带来很多不便。

谢谢您好心的答复!Have a nice day!
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English version "Dear Uncle Chung, could you please kindly advise on my ren
Hi Uncle Chung,

Could you please give me your professional advice on my renovation dispute?
" I have signed a renovation contract for my HDB flat bought last year. The renovation contract worths S$ 18,000. I have already paid my contractor 95% of the total amount. However, my contractor only finish 60%+ of the total work. He owes me S$6300. He switched off his handphone since 10 days ago. He refused to email or call me back since then. Some imcompleted works such as uninstalled room doors and exposed electrical wiring cause a lot of inconvenience in my daily life."
May I know whether I can get the money back if I take legal actions? How much that will cost, and how long it will take?

Thank you in advance!
Have a nice day!

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Reply from Agony Uncle
From what you mentioned the contractor only completed 60%-70% of completed agreed works. As well you are entitled to withhold whatever remaining payment due to him. In addition you can claim for partial refunded of the amount paid. You can also claim from him whatever you spend to complete the works that excess the agreed cost.

However please do not go to his house. This is a business issue so do not go knocking at the door of his residence. Otherwise you could be committing a tort and he might counterclaim against you.

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Thank you very much for your professional suggestions, Uncle Chung
Dear Uncle Chung,

You kind advices are greatly appreciated!

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