
请教钟律师: 我是否需要承担父亲照顾后母及新生儿的赡养费。 母亲过世,父亲(60岁新加坡公民)后娶,后母30岁 新加坡PR并和父亲有一个新生儿。父亲可不可以以此要求更多赡养费。 目前已提供每月S$500并支付父亲不能支付的日常水电费用。 我可以寻求那些法律途径来避免将来可能的纠纷 。 谢谢。

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Reply from Agony Uncle
Your step mother and your brother form your father's presumable second marriage are your father's dependant. Whilst he is alive there is no need for you to maintain them.

Your father has a duty to provide for them if he makes a will in a unfortunate even of your father's demise. They will inherit what is stated in the will. In the absence of a will accureling to the law on intestate succession ie succession without a will your step mother will get half of your father’s estate whilst you and the new sliding together with other siblings will got the maiming 50% in equal shares.

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  • 汪菊 提出于 2019-07-18 22:13