
如果说high pay,投资银行并不是唯一的选择,而且life span短,压力大,工作强度大,很容易被淘汰,除非你做得很好。可是很少有看到做投行做到五六十的,当然不排除有一些存够了钱退休的,可是大部分的呢?受不了工作压力,频繁的travel,命好的退到一些大的MNC里面的finance department。

欧美的investment bank同样competitive,大部分的大学毕业生都在学business and finance,欧美的engineering sector 严重缺人,所以如果看看他们的salary range就知道,engineer是远远高于investment banker的,而且principle engineer or lead engineer的年薪可达百万,(虽然这个数字不能跟在美国做医生的比)但也算不错的中产阶级了。

consulting firm, media firm 也是比较高压力的工作,工资高,travel多,虽说可以短时间内可以聚敛财富,接触到上流社会,可是看看"devil wear Prada",那样的生活又有多大的意义呢?

我觉得大家还是应该从自己兴趣出发,设立长远目标,不要怕少工资,工作时间长,最重要的是每一天是有意义的,充实的,自己热爱的,特长得到发挥的。Career 毕竟不只是个 job. :D

想自己开公司的人就最好不要在consulting firm高薪职位上待太长,越早开始练兵越好,习惯了那高薪,有mortgage, wife and kids需要供,那个时候就不可能脱身了。--这个是引用Acceture UK Managing Partner的话。
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4 个回答


dont know how many "principle engineer or lead engineer" a company can have, but in a bank, tons of people are making millions of dollar each year......

your point is great, but those argument is not convincing.

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到了大四才知道银行这么抢手,总之从我身边的人来看,大多数都是觉得银行薪水好才去的,在这个社会,大家都是很现实的。如果说银行的薪水和做engineer 的薪水差不多的话,我看就没有这么多人要挤进去了。

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my opinionand
所以如果看看他们的salary range就知道,engineer是远远高于investment banker的,

r u sure? quote statistics to prove ur point, otherwise pls dont wilfully make up fictionary facts that mislead ppl.
i dont think it is true
from what i know, banks pay better salary throughout the world.

i know an American guy from Princeton EE. he told me for his batch only 3 of them went on to grad school, the rest of them all went to work. I thought, wow then it must be top-tier engineering companies like google or Intel so i asked him. guess what he replied? Investment banks. and he explicitly said that banks pay crazy money. and those investment bankers, although a lot of them burn out, they r just filthy rich...

而且principle engineer or lead engineer的年薪可达百万

same goes for top positions in investment banks. so this argument also doesn't hold

我觉得大家还是应该从自己兴趣出发,设立长远目标,不要怕少工资,工作时间长,最重要的是每一天是有意义的,充实的,自己热爱的,特长得到发挥的。Career 毕竟不只是个 job. :D

this part i strongly agree though.

I see your point and i generally agree with what you say
but just as someone has pointed out above, your arguments are really weak.

so those who r going for banking and finance jobs should really ask themselves: what drives me? is it the job itself? or is it the pay cheque that comes with it?

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  • 寇斌 提出于 2019-07-18 21:06