想向大家推荐一个服务:Opus Vos Amor: Work you love!
最近我加入了一个Start up 公司,这是我们公司推出的一个服务:
Catch it! Your Oversea Job Opportunities! 抓住你走出国门的机会!
RealAcad 是一个由知名公司的工作人士和在读高校学生组成的庞大国际关系网络。这个团队的成员联系紧密,遍布全球一百多个国家的主要城市,大多在知名的跨国公司工作,不少甚至拥有自己的公司。RealAcad非常荣幸的向您提供一个全新的服务:Opus Vos Amor: Work you love! 利用我们庞大的人际关系网络为大家提供简历投递服务,帮助大家寻找海外工作的机会。
访问我们的网站,告诉我们你最希望工作的城市,附带上你最近的简历。Opus Vos Amor将为你提供最适合你的服务,最大限度增值你的简历:为你量身打造适合不同企业要求的简历,提供当地联系信息以及语言修改服务。
想更多地了解这项服务,您可以访问网站: www.realacad.com/workyoulove.
或直接拨打24小时服务电话:+1 408 540 6299 (美国)
+65 6516 4592 (新加坡)
[email protected]Do you want to be different?
Do you want to face the challenging?
Have you ever dreamed of working for a high performing organization around the globe, but weren't sure where to begin?
RealAcad is a network of professionals and students from the top firms and educational institutions in the world. We are offering a new and exciting service that is now being offered for a limited time. The RealAcad alumni are highly connected, vastly knowledgeable and located in every major city around the world. Opus Vos Amor:Work you love.
What you need to do:
Simply reply to this email with a copy of your updated resume and select any major city you’ve dreamed of working in. We will take care of the rest. The ‘Opus Vos Amor’ service also provides excellent value added benefits such as customizing your resume according to local standards and formats, local contact information and even language touch-up.
For more information on this limited time offer, please visit www.realacad.com/workyoulove.
Facts of RealAcad:
Our alumni are currently working at:
Boston Consulting Group
OC&C Consulting
Proctor & Gamble
Some of the cities you can reach immediately from us:
Barcelona, Spain
Beijing, China
Frankfurt, Germany
Chicago, USA
Copenhagen, Denmark
Hong Kong
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Landon, UK
Los Angeles, USA
Manila, Philippines
New Delhi, India
New York, USA
Paris, France
San Francisco, USA
Seoul, Korea
Shanghai, China
Sydney, Australia
Tokyo, Japan
Vienna, Austria