第10届留学人员广州科技交流会 (报名截止本月30日)##


The 10th Guangzhou Convention of Overseas Chinese Scholars in Science and Technology will be held in Guangzhou, China at the end of this December. This event is jointly organized by the Chinese Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Personnel, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Guangzhou Municipal Government. The purpose of the fair is to provide a communication platform between overseas talents and domestic governments and companies. The Education Office of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Singapore will organize a delegation for all qualified graduate students and scholars in Singapore to attend the event. Details are as follows.

Time: 26/12/2007 to 28/12/2007
时间:2007年12月26日 ~ 2007年12月28日

Location: Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China

Key Events:
1. Job fair for high-level international talent
2. “Chunhui Cup” Pioneering Competition for Overseas Chinese Scholars
3. Exhibition tour of entrepreneurial and investment environment
4. Series of special activities organized by the Ministry of Education
5. Series of special activities organized by the Department of Science and Technology
6. Series of special activities organized by the Ministry of Personnel
7. High-end academic forum organized by the Chinese Academy of Sciences
8. Recruit consultants for government intractable projects
1. 高层次国际人才招聘
2. “春晖杯”中国留学人员创新创业大赛
3. 各地创业环境展示和考察
4. 教育部主办系列专场活动
5. 科技部主办系列专场活动
6. 人事部主办系列专场活动
7. 中科院主办系列高端学术论坛
8. 难题招贤

Proposed size of delegation: 15 ~ 20

1. Final year graduate students in Singapore
2. Masters or Ph.D. degree holders working in the Singapore
3. Chinese with or without PRC nationality
4. Open to all majors, ages, and gender
1. 在新加坡就读的硕士研究生、博士研究生
2. 在新加坡工作的硕士、博士
3. 海外华人专才
4. 专业不限,年龄不限,性别不限

1. Free food, accommodation and local transportation arranged by the organizer
2. Free exhibition tours organized by the event organizer
3. Round trip air tickets and other expenses NOT provided
4. Free cell phone usage and internet connection provided by the organizer
1. 考察团成员享受统一安排的免费食宿和交通(国内期间,来回机票请自理)
2. 免费参加大会组织的参观考察活动
3. 其他费用和来回旅费自筹
4. 大会提供免费小灵通和上网服务

Application deadline: November 30 (name list finalized by: December 15)
报名时间:即日起 至11月30日 (最终确定:12月15日)

Application method:
1. Fulfill the application form (please find in attachment or our website), and send to
Mr. Liu Email: scsugsc_vice2@yahoo.com.cn, CP: 90227656
Mr. Yao Email: scsugsc_office2@yahoo.com.cn, CP: 96935245
2. Final delegates will be selected by The Education Office of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Singapore and Graduate Students Committee of Chinese Students and Scholars Association, Singapore.
1. 报名人员填写报名表(报名表附上),交至如下联系人:
刘先生Email: scsugsc_vice2@yahoo.com.cn, HP: 90227656
姚先生Email: scsugsc_office2@yahoo.com.cn, HP: 96935245
2. 教育处和研究生分会进行初选和复选。

Note: The study tour is not confined to only Guangzhou. Another 1 or 2 cities can be chosen for the tour, depending on the specializations of the delegates.

brochures, application forms, and booth applications
(You may also download them from http://gsc.sgcssa.org/)
附件:宣传册,报名表,展位申请表 (请从http://gsc.sgcssa.org/ 上下载)

The Education Office of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Singapore
Graduate Students Committee of Chinese Students and Scholars Association, Singapore
November 1, 2007
新加坡中国留学生总会研究生分会 http://gsc.sgcssa.org/
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