(转) Get The Look For Halloween: an easy step by step

ComplexionunifyBegin evening out some HD Foundation using the 35N Brush, 2 shades under your skin tone. Then apply HD Concealer under your eyes with the 25N Brush.
HD Foundation application using brush 35NHD Concealer application using brush 20NHD FoundationHD ConcealerBrushTo avoid brush marks on your face, brush the HD foundation in a horizontal then vertical motion.
linesculptSculpt your jaw by brushing some Pan Stick Foundation 10W under your cheek bone, then down towards your jaw bone, forming a right angle.
sculpting the facesculpting the facePanstick foundationBrush 25NIntensify the shadow using the Sculpting
Kit if you think necessary.
Fix your complexion by applying some Super Matte Loose Powder with a Powder Puff. Powder your eyes too; leaving excess powder under the eyes.
powderpuff packshotsuper matte loose powder2.EyesapplyApply the black shade from the Flash Color Case, using the 6N Brush to your eyelid. Follow by applying the black to the inner corner, drawing a vertical line up to the inner brow.
Intensify the color in the corner of the eye and continue the vertical line downwards forming a sharp end.
application to Eyelid foldapplication to eye brow bone12 flash color caselineintensifyDraw Black Kohl along your bottom and top lashlines, joining each line together after the outer corner of the eye, and coloring inside the lines.
Apply black kohl pencilapply black kohl pencilThen, dab Black Eyeshadow over the entire black surface to fix, and then blend slightly the contours using the 6N Brush.
Apply black kohl pencil apply black eyeshadowUsing a 6N Brush blend Star Powder 917 under the brow bone, along the vertical line and along the Kohl line. Leave the brow bone clear. Highlight the brow bone with White Eyeshadow and intensify the eye by applying Black Kohl to the waterlines.
star powder applicationwhite eyeshadow applicationkohl pencil applicationstar powder packshotwhite eyeshadowkohl pencil packshotlineeyebrowsDefine and intensify your brows using the Eyebrow Kit #4. Draw a slight angle in the center of the brow.
bottom coloring eyebrow kit packshotlinevoluminizefaux lashesfaux lashes 2Apply Faux Lashes #027 or similar ones to you top lashline. Once dry, draw a thin line of Aqua black along the lashline.
3.LipsHydrate your lips with some Lip Balm, then draw your contours with Aqua Lip 12C, blending toward the inside. Follow with a coat of Rouge Artist Intense in the Moulin Rouge Shade or similar on your lip using the N3 Brush. Finish off with Labshine N12 or/and S14.
lips application 1lips application 2lips application 3aqua lip packshotrouge artist packshotlabshine packshot4.Before/Afterbeforeafter

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  • 柳康丽 提出于 2019-07-18 19:30