May we invite you to participate in a short survey that will help both our research and the needy people?
The link to the survey is:
This is an academic research project which aims to understand user behaviors on Social Networking Sites. A Social Networking Site (SNS) is defined here as "an online location where a user can create and share a self profile, seek and build up relationships with other users, and connect him or her to others by personal networks". Facebook, Friendster, LinkedIn, MSN Spaces, MySpace, Xiaonei, Hi5, and Kaixin are some typical examples of SNS.
You are qualified as a participant as long as you have used a SNS before.
This survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. In appreciation of your participation, we will make a S$10 donation to the Singapore Red Cross Society for each completed questionnaire. All participants will also be involved in a lucky draw of S$200 in cash. The data collected in this survey will be used for academic research only. All information will remain absolutely anonymous and confidential.
Kindly complete the survey before March 30, 2009. Thank you in advance for your participation in this study.