

MXR公司是由Steven Zhou博士,Adrian David Cheok教授 (新加坡国立大学混合现实实验室主任)以及新加坡国立大学注资,于2004年共同成立的。MXR代表着混合现实技术,这是一个全世界新兴的,领先的,叹为观止的高科技技术,我们致力于将物理和虚拟世界进行完美的结合,让用户在现实世界中体验虚拟的乐趣。
同时公司还涉足于领先的高科技展览领域,我们的客户遍布于全岛及海外。公司的产品不断收到用户的肯定与好评。这包括新加坡的科学馆,IDA,MDA,CISCO, EXPO,中国北京,上海的科技馆,香港的hellokitty,以及美国的Disney等等众多知名企业。





您当前的身份信息: Singapore, e.g., Singaporean, PR, Social Visit Pass,EP or Student Pass
Game Script Programmer


The successful candidate will be required to:

· Be involved in the planning, conceptualization, and implementation of the game related projects

Program using script languages or programming languages
Test and maintenance of the games and other relevant applications
To support designers and the technical team in the integrations


Must have:

· Diploma degree (or above) in Computer Science/ Game Development/ Interactive Media, with experience in software development, preferably in game & 3D projects (including school projects)

Familiar with at least one of script languages (such as LUA, Python, Torque scripts etc)
Basic knowledge about the theories and algorithms of Computer Graphics
· Strong written and verbal communication skills, good attitude and personality of being a team player

Currently residing in Singapore and being available for face to face interviews upon request

Preferred skill sets:

Familiarity with DirectX or OpenGL is a plus
Familiarity with game engine or 3D game is a plus
Familiarity with C/C++ is a plus
Familiarity with 3D Max and Maya is a plus
Work experience is a plus
3D Animation Artist


· Qualification: Diploma or equivalent

· Solid skills and experiences in using 3Ds Studio Max

· A demo reel that shows strong animation, lighting and effect skill

· Meticulous eyes for details

· Good in time management with the ability to work both in a team and independently

· Strong team work spirit, proactive & able to work independently

· Minimum 2 years of relevant experience

· Speaking fluent mandarin is a plus.

3D Modeling Artist


· Qualification: Diploma or equivalent

· Able to sketch freehand, communicate your ideas through designs, create original concepts;

· Solid skills and experiences in using 3Ds Studio Max , Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator & other basic software applications

· Advanced UV skills is a must

· Attention to detail

· Able to work under tight deadlines;

· Strong team work spirit, proactive & able to work independently

· Minimum 2 years of relevant experience;

· Speaking fluent mandarin is a plus.

2D Graphic Designer


· Software User Interface design. Assistant programmer to finalize the software GUI function.

· Maintain and update corporate website

· Create artwork and product brochures, marketing materials for different product range

· Support other design requirement

· Source and liaise with printers & agencies


· Qualification: Diploma or equivalent

· Bilingual in English and Mandarin with good communication skills.

· Solid skills in Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator

· Strong creative, understanding/sense of types, design aesthetics and color

· Strong sketching skills

· Able to design the concept of cartoon or common characters or scenes

· Meticulous eyes for details

· Good in time management with the ability to work both in a team and independently

· Starting salary: SGD$1600-1800

· Experiences in Html, CSS, and Flash is a plus

· Speaking fluent mandarin is a plus.

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MXR公司简介: MXR公司是由Steven Zhou博士,Adrian David Cheok教授 (新加坡国立大学混合现实实验室主任)以及新加坡国立大学注资,于2004年共同成立的。MXR代表着混合现实技术,这是一个全世界新兴的,领先的,叹为观止的高科技技术,我们致力于将物理和虚拟世界进行完美的结合,让用户在现实世界中体验虚拟的乐趣。 我们拥有独一无二的专利技术,在此基础上开发出我们的旗舰产品wIzQubes,现已在新加坡成功发售,并已陆续进驻新加坡的各大知名中小学。该发明被誉为是革命性的下一代儿童读物。 同时公司还涉足于领先的高科技展览领域,我们的客户遍布于全岛及海外。公司的产品不断收到用户的肯定与好评。这包括新加坡的科学馆,IDA,MDA,CISCO, EXPO,中国北京,上海的科技馆,香港的hellokitty,以及美国的Disney等等众多知名企业。 MXR公司,致力于不断创新,为我们的客户,投资者和全体员工创造最持久的价值。我们战略性投资,专利的技术,让我们可以拥有最好的长期增长和盈利前景。我们热诚欢迎有志之士加盟MXR的团队,与我们一起用混合现实技术创造人类教育与娱乐的新篇章!我们相信我们可以改变整个世界的学习方式!http://www.mxrcorp.com/----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 具体招聘信息详见如下:
1)Game Script Programmer
2)3D Animation Artist
3)3D Modeling Artist
4)2D Graphic Designer
注意: 我们同时也欢迎实习的艺术类的学生,请在您的申请资料内注明如下信息,以免我们延误对您的回复,邮件请发送至hr@mxrcorp.com注明您的应聘职位:

2) 您当前的身份信息:Singapore, e.g., Singaporean, PR, Social Visit Pass,EP or Student Pass
3) 您当前的薪水
4) 您期望的薪水

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  • 安玲松 提出于 2019-07-18 11:13