柬埔寨美食(1)-- there is no same fish amok




在柬埔寨旅行,很多餐馆菜单上的第一道菜便是Amok。Amok 可以选择不同的主原料,无外乎鱼肉,鸡肉,牛肉,猪肉。其中鱼肉的amok最为有名。我们一路吃过去,每到一间餐馆都点了fish amok。出乎意料的,每一家的fish amok都不一样,却又都一样的好吃。带有lemon gress and coconut cream的香气,鱼肉鲜美,汤汁柔和好像慕斯。

Amok是柬埔寨语的英文发音,是一种植物,这种植物的叶片是这道菜的原料之一。我在当地的书店中看到的烹饪书里面也说找不到amok这种植物对应的英文名。叶片是宽大的卵圆形,大概有女孩子的一个巴掌大。我们吃过的fish amok,不但在配菜上有不一样,连装饰上菜的样子也个个不同:有的用香蕉叶做成碗,有的装在新鲜的椰子壳里,有的只是普通的陶瓷的碗。有的在上面放了一层coconut cream,有的coconut cream是已经混合均匀在菜里头了。于是有的看起来上面是一片白,有的红红黄黄的,有的则没有加太多乱七八糟的香料,看起来一色清清水水的感觉。



* 1 pound monkfish or Cod fillets
* salt and freshly ground black pepper
* 1/4 cup coconut milk
* 1/4 teaspoon turmeric
* 1/4 teaspoon paprika
* 1/4 teaspoon curry powder, optional
* 2 teaspoons minced fresh ginger
* 2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
* 2 tablespoons thinly sliced fresh Thai chili pepper, seeds included
* 2 teaspoons Southeast Asian fish sauce
* 2 tablespoons canola oil
* 1/2 cup thinly sliced Onion
* 12 baby Bibb lettuce leaves
* 1 tablespoon shredded fresh kaffir lime leaves, if desired.

1. Cut fish into 1/2-inch chunks. Season to taste with salt and pepper; set aside.

2. In a medium bowl, combine coconut milk, turmeric, paprika, curry powder, ginger, garlic, chili pepper and fish sauce. Mix well. Add fish pieces, and toss until well coated. Let marinate 15 minutes.

这些香料合起来有一个名字,叫Kroeung。这是柬埔寨菜式与众不同的调料。我想不同餐馆做出来的amok不一样之处,就在kroeung混合的原料和比例不一样。Wiki上给的解释如下:There are many ingredients that can be pounded into the herb paste, but the eight most commonly used are Lemon grass, Kaffir lime zest and leaves, Galangal, Turmeric, Rhizome, Garlic, Shallots, and Dried Red Chillies.

3. Place a large skillet over medium-high heat. Heat oil, and add onions. Saute onions until translucent, about 5 minutes.

4. Add fish mixture, and saute until fish is opaque, about 3 minutes. Remove from heat, and allow to cool to room temperature.

5. Spoon into the cups, and place three cups on each of 4 plates. Garnish with kaffir lime leaves, and serve.



这本书是Friend International出版的。Friend International是一个国际慈善组织,The Street Children Network organization。 旗下的餐馆及厨师学校1999年在柬埔寨建立,不但提供厨师培训,还提供工作机会,同时收集整理战争中遗失在民间的柬埔寨传统菜肴,并在此基础上加以创新。金边皇宫旁边的13号街就是他们的餐馆,菜做得非常精致。

这本书上介绍的,是将lemongrass, chili paste, coconut cream, fish sauce, limeleaf, plam suger and salt 混合均匀,将鱼肉在其中腌泡一小时,然后在容器中垫上amok树叶,蒸。最后装盘在香蕉叶做的小盒子里,上面浇上一点coconut cream和一些绿色或红色的蔬菜装饰。

在柬埔寨这些比较好的餐馆吃这道菜都不是很贵,金边(Phnom Phnh)Friends the Restaurant应该在5美元左右(我们那天去的时候没有这道菜,他们每天都有不同的menu)。一般的餐馆在3美元左右。

Siem Reap有一家 Kymer Kitchen Restaurant 3元一份的fish amok分量很足,里头的配菜,有切成丝的amok leaves还有洋葱白菜等蔬菜。也有人说red piano那家的fish amok与众不同的不是那种红红黄黄的样子,而是比较清淡,lemongrass等香料的香气十足。还有temple,也是Siem Reap的一间人气餐馆,是装在香蕉叶里的,分量比较小。在吴哥窟看日出的Sras Srang湖边有一间餐馆,价格稍微贵一些,大概是4美元,则是上面图中装在椰子壳里面的。

我们一路上这么喜欢fish amok的原因,不但是因为它口味甜香,装饰精美,而且觉得特别下饭,因此几乎每顿饭都点这道菜,将汤汁浇在饭上面特别好吃。
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i almost wanted to invest in a restaurant in Phnom Penh 6 years ago
all my thought at that time was with the delicious dishes, when the throng arrives in cambodia, I can have nice food and money altogether...

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  • 庄思 提出于 2019-07-18 09:11