很多排名也最高分算, 显然不靠谱。
那些TOP名校每年有100+,去掉gep考进的, 本校培养的50+
好的邻里学校,每年也有20+, 加上gep考出的, 本校培养的有30+,区别有那么大么
能折腾名校的在小孩教育投入更大, 这个可能是50-30的最大因素
有人能解释下是不是可以这么算, 还是名校除了考分还有其他追求
4.3 Conclusion
The simple correlation of two aggregated variables produced results consistent with the hypothesis
that the best schools are concentrated in expensive neighborhoods. Nevertheless, the relatively low
value of the correlation coefficient, the large number of outliers in the top-left quadrant of the
scatter plot, and the concentration of data points in the bottom-right quadrant suggested that a
simple linear-fit model was insufficient to analyze the correlation.