1. 我本科在中国,后面在美国。
A) 中国的学历和成绩单要交吗,看要求非英语国家的这些还需要official translations
Acceptable translated documents include :-
(i) Translated copy provided by the Embassy;
(ii) Copy translated by a Notary Public; or
(iii) A privately translated copy attested by the
B) 美国的成绩单,是需要封在信封里的吗?
2. Birth certificate, official household census list or family register (where applicable);
这条看不懂,什么是household census list? Birth certificate是中国的出身证吗
3. Testimonials from previous employer stating the nature and duration of employment and also the last drawn basic salary.
Testimonial 是什么意思啊, 所有前雇主都要?
4. Income Tax Notices of Assessment for the last 3 years. Alternatively, you may complete Appendix - 1 (PR-PTS) to give consent for ICA to obtain and verify financial information provided in respect of this application with
就是tax bill意思吗?我来还没有三年,那么之前在美国的income tax notice of assessment也要吗?
5. Basic salary 包括单位的第13月薪,和非PR的room allowance吗?