Hi, my name is WANG HUIJUAN, graduated from HANKOU University, and I have got a dependent pass. Personal informations are as below: Date of Birth:August17,1989 Nationality: Chinese Education (2008.09 - 2012.06): School of Information Science and Technology, HANKOU University Major: Electronic Commerce Highest Degree: Bachelor Address in Singapore: JuRong West Street 81,Blk850#11-237 Mobile Phone: 93766411 Email:huijuanch@gmail.com
有良好的中文听说读写能力,有普通话证书,能使用英语日常基本交流。 熟练使用Microsoft Office办公软件。 懂得基本会记记账,会操作用友U-8财务软件,取得会计从业资格证书。 自学《证券市场基础知识》、《证券交易》及《证券投资基金》,证券交易和投资有一定了解,通过《证券市场基础知识》和《证券投资基金》考试,取得证券从业资格。 自学了《教育学》、《心理学》,对教学有自己的认知,大学期间做过家教。 I want to get a job of Chinese teacher. If you are interested in me,or know some usefull information for me, you can contact me. Looking forward to your good news. Thank you very much.