李光耀: 考大学(Raffles College,新加坡国立大学的前身)的时候是马来亚(马来西亚+新加坡)地区的第一名。(Lee was the top student in Singapore and Malaya.) 李光耀后来去剑桥拿了两个一等荣誉学位(前5%),包括强手如云的法律系。
李光耀的儿子李显龙: 李显龙在剑桥三一学院读数学拿到Senior Wrangler,数学系第一。数学系完全凭天赋好不好。李显龙后来还拿了个计算机学位。。。 再看李显龙当时拿第一的事迹:比第二名多解出12道题,剑桥三一学院历史上从未出现过。(He graduated as a Wrangler, where he scored 12 more alphas (an alpha is one problem solved) than his nearest competitor, which had never been seen in the history of the Tripos at Cambridge. )
李显龙的儿子Li Haoyi (https://twitter.com/li_haoyi): 38th International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) 金牌 。(Performance at the 2007 International Olympiads for Science and Mathematics)
李显龙的儿子Li Hongyi (Hongyi Li | LinkedIn): 36th International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) 铜牌。好吧略弱。。。