您好,我想咨询一下,因为我与公寓管理处的管理人员/委员会人员对于安装invisible grills有不同的看法,我前前后后共申请了近4次,他们一次一次拖延,加拒绝我们的申请。也没有提供有力的证据,以下是他们对我们的最近回复 Please be informed that any proposed improvement
works to a unit that will affect the appearance of the facade of the building and structural integrity would require the approval of the management corporation (MCST) not
the Management Council. Due to the suggestion by BCA on the act, you
could request a resolution to be tabled at a general meeting for the
general body to collectively determine a set of guidelines / design for
the installation of such grilles for adoption
by all unit owners as to up keep the uniformity in appearance with the
rest of the building in the development, or whether the MCST can adopt a
few designs (including any existing designs).
我们已经通过email发给他们设计图,他们现在居然要求我们提供选项来解决整个公寓的安装相关grills的设计,我觉得挺无理了,我们一再阐述我们的理由是由于需要照顾孩子们的安全。他们一再将妨碍公寓的整体外观的理由提出来作为拒绝我们安装窗花的理由。这是我们无法接受的。这个争议已经来来回回有近1个半月,他们要求我们在年底会议提出动议,可是那意味着我们需要再等待至少6个月。 于是我们向BCA发去询问的email,他们的回复如下:you have recourse to apply to the Strata Titles Board (STB) under section
111(b) of the BMSMA for an order that the MCST consents to your
invisible grilles proposal if the MCST has unreasonably refused to authorise