The Board of Directors (the “Board") of HanKore Environment Tech Group Limited (the “Company")
would like to inform the shareholders of the Company (the “Shareholders”) that it has received
enquiries from third parties who have expressed interests in acquiring the individual or entire portfolio
of the Company's water treatment assets. In view of these enquiries and in the interests of maximizing
shareholders’ value, the Company has engaged Bank of America Merrill Lynch as its financial advisor
to evaluate its strategic options with respect to its water treatment assets (the “Potential
The Company wishes to emphasize that as at the date of this announcement, discussions arising from
such enquiries are at a preliminary stage and there is no certainty that any definitive or binding
agreement will result from these discussions.
If and when there are any material developments which warrant a disclosure, the Company will make
an appropriate announcement on SGXNET in compliance with the listing rules of the Singapore
Exchange Securities Trading Limited.
Shareholders or potential investors are advised to exercise caution when dealing in the shares of the
Company and to refrain from taking any action in respect of their shares in the Company which may be
prejudicial to their interests. In the event that shareholders wish to deal in the shares, they should seek
their own professional advice and consult with their own stockbrokers.