现在的教育部网站上是这样 ...
http://www.moe.gov.sg/education/ ... ingapore-moe-award/
The Singapore-MOE Award (SMA) is awarded to non-Singaporean P6 GEP pupils who
1. have met the P6 GEP promotion criteria, and
2. are admitted to the Integrated Programme (IP) at an Independent School (IS)1 at Secondary 1 (S1).
Award Quantum
The SMA award quantum for pupils admitted into S1 from 2008 onwards is $2,400, or the annual school fees charged for pupils who are Singapore citizens by the IS offering the IP, less the annual amount of school and standard miscellaneous fees, paid by pupils who are Singapore Citizens in government / government-aided schools, whichever is lower.
If you are admitted to one of the Ministry’s special programmes (e.g. Art Elective Programme, Music Elective Programme) or awarded any other fee subsidy or scholarship (eg. GEP Fees Subsidy, SAP Scholarship, RSP Scholarship), the SMA award quantum will be $2,400 or the annual school fees for pupils who are Singapore Citizens less the annual amount of school and standard miscellaneous fees paid by pupils who are Singapore Citizens in government / government-aided schools, whichever is lower, less any fee subsidy provided under the special programme, Ministry / school programme or any other scholarship.
Foreign pupils are required to pay the difference between the rate of school fees for foreign pupils and the award quantum while Singapore Permanent Residents are required to pay the difference between the rate of school fees for Singapore Permanent Residents and the award quantum.
The tenure of the award is six years, up to the final year of the IP. The scholar must make good progress each year in order to continue receiving the award.
Application and Award Process
Upon the release of the PSLE results, pupils eligible for the SMA will be informed. No application is required for the award. Eligible pupils will be offered the SMA, provided that they are admitted to an IS and enrolled in the IP of that school at S1. Upon the release of the school posting results in December, pupils can check whether they have been offered SMA via the S1 Internet System (S1-IS).
Pupils eligible for the SMA who are admitted to secondary schools under the DSA-Sec Exercise will be offered the award if they are admitted to an IS and are enrolled in the IP at S1.
新加坡女子中学,南洋女子中学等这些不是政府中学吗?如果能考上立化和淡马锡去哪所比较好?谢谢 ...
新加坡自主、自治学校 (转载)
1.学校由董事会管理。 2.每月学费大概新币255元(政府主流中学:每月学费大概新币5元;自治学校:每月学费最低新币15元,最高新币32元; “直通车”学校:每月学费大概新币300元。) -- 注:现在的学费已经不是这样了。
3.政府的经费支持越来越少,学校收费也是有限,学校要自己筹集资金或接受私人机构的捐款,因此自主学校的压力和挑战是如何不断提高教学水平,提高办学声望,增强社会吸引力。 4.必须遵循国家的教育政策,如双语政策、学生参加国家统一考试等。 5.能自定学费数额、招生标准,有推行课程及行政权的自由,学制4年(初级学院2年)。可自行招聘教师(自主学校的校董会有权决定教职员的薪金,聘请与开除教职员)。 6.上述自主学校都是新加坡一流学校,尽管学费较高,但各自主中学的中一学额都有爆满的情况。
自治学校(AUTONOMOUS SCHOOLS,简称AS)一览表(共28所)
自主学校(Independent Schools)在制定课程、收生、收费以及行政管理方面享有自主权。
Anglo-Chinese 英华中学
Hwa Chong Institution 华中
Methodist Girl's (Sec) 美以美女中
Nanyang Girls' High 南洋女中
Raffles Girls' (Sec) 莱佛士女中
Raffles Institution 莱佛士书院
Singapore Chinese Girls' 新加坡华人女中
St Joseph's Institution 圣尤瑟夫学院
特选学校(Special Assistance Plan Schools)特别辅助计划学校(特选学校)包括一些政府学校、政府辅助学校和自主学校。这些学校是历史悠久、办学成功的传统华校。
Anglican High 圣公会中学
Catholic High 公教中学
CHIJ St Nicholas Girls' 圣尼各拉女中
Chung Cheng High (Main) 中正中学(总校)
Dunman High 德明政府中学
Hwa Chong Institution 华中
Maris Stella High 海星中学
Nan Hua High 南华中学
Nanyang Girls' High 南洋女中
River Valley High 立化中学
自治学校(Autonomous Schools)
Anderson Sec 安德逊中学
Anglican High 圣公会中学
Bukit Panjang Govt High 武吉班让政府中学
Catholic High 公教中学
Cedar Girls' Sec 四德女中
CHIJ Katong Convent 圣婴加东修道院
CHIJ Sec (Toa Payoh) 圣婴(大巴窑)
CHIJ St Nicholas Girls' 圣尼各拉女中
Chung Cheng HIgh (Main) 中正中学(总校)
Commonwealth Sec
Crescent Girls' 克信女中
Dunman High 德明政府中学
Dunman Sec 德明中学
Fairfield Methodist (Sec) 花菲卫理中学
Maris Stella High 海星中学
Nan Hua High 南华中学
Ngee Ann Sec 义安中学
Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' (Sec) 巴耶利巴美以美女中
River Valley High 立化中学
St Anthony's Canossian Sec 圣安东尼女中
St Margaret's Sec 圣玛格丽特中学
Tanjong Katong Girls' 加东女中
Tanjong Katong Sec 加东中学
Temasek Sec 淡马锡中学
Victoria 维多利亚中学
Xinmin Sec 新民中学
Yishun Town Sec 义顺中学
Zhonghua Sec 中华中学