关于准证申请提交文凭,有以下几个不懂的地方,拜托前辈们指点迷津啦~~ 据说在申请的时候,有需要到提交以下两份文件,翻译+公证书。 1.据说要把中文的学位证书做翻译,貌似是去raffles place附近的最高法院翻译对吗? 2.又据说要把中文学位证书做公证,请问在坡上要去哪儿公证吖?费用大概多少? 3.可是可是,我去查阅了MOM上的申请后,迷茫了。。提到说: 1 CLEAR COPY of the following supporting documents*: (*Non-English documents must be accompanied by an official English translation done by a certified translator, High Commission/Embassy or a notary public. This does not apply to verification proof of education certificates from China)
Foreign employee’s Educational Certificates Additional document(s) are required for: (b) diploma/degree qualifications from China 1.Certificate of Graduation (毕业证书) 2. Verification proof of educational certificates from any one of the following independent verification channels: Dataflow (http://www.dataflowgroup.com); The China Higher Education Student Information job portal (http://job.chsi.com.cn/); The China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Information (http://www.cdgdc.edu.cn). 恕我英语理解还有点欠缺,这里是不是说:第一,非英文的学位证书要去翻译,中国的不需要翻译,这句“This does not apply to verification proof of education certificates from China”是这个意思吗?- - 第二,这里说国内的学位证书要有那三个地方的其中一个的认证,那么就是说不需要公证了,只需要认证吗? 如果是要认证,要回国去办理还是可以在网上申请认证?怎样办理?人在坡上。。T T