
我认为现在的青少年要求我们(父母/成年人)要严格,同时要理解但不能过分容忍。 听他们说什么,让他们犯错,面对后果,对他们来说更重要吗? 我觉得现在的青少年由于过于保护的父母,不会面对自己行为的后果。 任何人都同意?

I think that teenagers nowadays require us( parents/ adults) to be strict and at the same time be understanding but not overly tolerating. Is it more important for them to listen and follow what we say or we allow them to make the mistakes and they face the consequences? I feel that these days teenagers do not face the consequences of their actions because of the over-protective parents. Anyone agrees? 

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  • 萧彬露 提出于 2019-07-18 03:00