HDB 到期真的价值为零, 看谁先明白过来跑得快
今早看博客, 发现HDB 到期价值为零越来越广为周知。结果就是旧楼开始越来越难卖。 聪明人明白过来赶紧卖旧房换新房还来得及,等所有人都明白过来,就没有接盘侠了。
No easy answers to HDB lease decay issue, but public mindset has to change first
What’s interesting to me is the anecdotal evidence that resale prices of older flats have dropped quite a fair bit.
Similarly, Mr Calvin Loh, 38, a hardware goods showroom manager, said he is also getting anxious about the value of his Commonwealth Close flat, which has 47 years of lease left.
He noted how a former neighbour sold his three-room unit for S$400,000 four years ago, but a similar unit in the same block changed hands for just S$280,000 a few months ago.
It’s also interesting that quite a few of those interviewed are owners that are relatively young. Two of the other owners of old HDB flats mentioned in the article was a 34-year-old guy and a couple in their 30s. The guy inherited the flat from his mother while the couple bought the flat.
Property Soul Podcast Episode #5: Four Lessons Learnt From Old HDB Flats
There are 4 important lessons we learned from this matter. I will cover them in details in this podcast:
Lesson #1: HDB flats is for your stay, not for investment.
Lesson #2: The days of making big profits from HDB flats are over.
Lesson #3: HDB is a home. It is unrealistic to find the best time to sell it.
Lesson #4: You own your flat under HDB. You can’t decide its fate.
无法想象新加坡这些HDB会真的99年不推倒重建,那样的新加坡50%-80%就都是老房子,破破烂烂的,还怎么自称自己是花园城市?99年的公寓之所以会有价值估计是开发商会推倒重建吧,但是前提是开发商有利可图,在越来越高的plot ratio下这个会越来越难吧,也就是说公寓价格得一直涨才行,不过当公寓价格比同位置的组屋高了3倍以上以后是否还有这么多的人买公寓是值得商榷的,最大的可能性是所有房子都涨,这样的话组屋还是很有价值的。