POEMS - Phillip Money Market Fund (PMMF)

用POEMS 买股,大家有没有把暂时用不到的现金放到这个基金里面,会有一点回报,比存银行好多了。 就不清楚如果买股的时候,可以当场卖掉基金,再买股票吗? 
Benefits of Excess Funds Facility No sales charges or administrative fees High degree of liquidity No lock- in period for your excess funds Maximise investment opportunities as excess funds are not left idling at any time Seamless payment for your shares trades and other investments How does it work? Once you have opted in, excess funds in your trading account with a minimum balance of SGD100 will be automatically invested into Phillip Money Market Funds. The said fund will be automatically redeemed from the facility under any of the following scenarios: 
(i) for shares payment or other investment purchases or transactional fees charged 
(ii) funds withdrawal request by account holder
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是把钱通过银行IBANK的EPS转账到Phillip broker 的账户里面吧?

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  • 邓聪玲 提出于 2019-07-16 09:43