SY Hairstyle Salon is a beauty hair salon with more than 5 years experience and located at the central part of Singapore, Chinatown. SY Hair Salon is a leading lifestyle salon that offers cutomers the latest hairstyle trends. Besides that, they also offers customer the quality of hair care products. 丝艺沙龙(SY HairStyle Salon)是位于新加坡中心地区的一家有5年历史的美发沙龙,我们提供给顾客最新最潮的发型选择。同时,你还可以在这里找到价格实惠的护发产品哦。 无论您是想简单剪个头发还是做发型以及护理保养等等,我们会给华新网友们最好的优惠,信息会不定时发布华新网或微博上, 真诚的期待您光顾sy丝艺沙龙!