hdb方面好办。先问你和卖主的合同什么样的?如果卖主反悔,就不要买了。如果卖主仍然同意原来的价格,就告诉hdb贝,both parties think it is a reasonable price under the current economic circumstances.
你们中间有鬼么?没有,就大大方方理直气壮地告诉hdb.at this point of time, low offer is definitely better than no offer. As the buyer, I think the seller makes a smart move. Otherwise, I will not buy it. Maybe your valuation cannot keep pace with the current situation.
你所谓的鬼指的是什莫??因为我们现在一直住在里面,而且我们答应房东,等房子买下来后允许他以很低的租金住在里面1年这些算鬼吗???我们听说需要给hdb写explanation letter解释为什莫卖的价钱这莫低,请问我们要怎莫说明阿