How to renew Maid Work Permit 女佣准证更新流程及时间

2019-07-19 18:40
自己刚做了一遍,给大家做个参考。WP expiry date提前个10天左右就可以了。
(1) Wait renewal notice from MOM. MOM normally post the renew letter to you 4-6 weeks before the expiry date.

(2) Buy Maid Insurance. Ex, NTUC Income. 2 year, S$308. Need 1 working day to reflect the insurance data in MOM online database. The new insurance cover date starts from the current insurance expiry date.

(3) Renew work permit online through MOM website after insurance data get reflected in MOM.
Immediate approve after data filling and online payment for renew fee (S$20).
Print out the WPSC letter and Security Bond Form.
The WPSC letter states place, date, and the required document to collect the new WP. It takes 4 working days between the approval date and collection date.

(4) Go to collect new work permit with all material requested on the WPSC letter on the specified date.

1 个回答


2019-07-19 18:40


不过那个WPSC的楼有点小隐蔽。是临街的有点像老HDB的4层楼。最关键是一楼是HARWKER CENTER。没有政府办公楼的样子。完全HDB STYLE. 所以我直接穿过这个楼,冲下后面的office tower,然后再走回头路找回来。4:20拿到号码(拿号时间到4:30pm)。4:30新证到手。没想到non-peak time可以这么快。
peak time等待时间会久点。建议非peak time去。