如果in written的offer letter 和 contract都准备好了,求职者还有没有跟雇主negotiate

2019-07-19 17:04
如果in written的offer letter 和 contract都准备好了,求职者还有没有跟雇主negotiate薪金的余地?
另外,可不可以说考虑几天,然后把合约拿回去研究研究的可能? 诚望有经验的人分享一下..谢谢!

3 个回答


2019-07-19 17:04


if you have not agreed with the salary, of course
you can just tell HR that you want to further discuss about your salary.

2019-07-19 17:04


come in

this is possible and one of my friends tried it out, but later he decided to reject the offer so he used register mail to mail the contract back.

for ur 1st question, there is nothing is impossible in this world, so you can still try, but of course according to common sense, you success rate 49%, not 50%. But still, why not try if you are really intend to do it?:)

Good Luck

2019-07-19 17:04


Strongly suggest u negotiate it.
unless u desperately want a job
u like the job very much and the offer is within reasonable range