
2019-07-19 16:59
1.不知道现在有一年工作经验的Degree Holder换工作的话,一般可以拿到多少?我是做programming的,Java/J2EE方向,不过水平一般。发现最近工作机会挺多的,想换换工作了。

2.那位大侠可以介绍介绍contract job和permanent job的主要区别啊?比如说有没有年终的bonus,有没有医疗保险,有没有年假之类?薪水相同的话,选择做contract job是不是会有点吃亏呐?


2 个回答


2019-07-19 16:59



permanent job: still need to sign contract with company, some in contract will say that company provide 13mth salary, and some not.

about varible bonus, some of my sales friend do have it stated in the contract, but of course, the annual bonus is varible lor...

So far as i learned, the 医疗保险 and 年假 is stated clearly in the contract.

i know some contracts state clearly that each year, will adjust salary - can adjust high :) or low:(, but i have so far not hear any adjust low case.

what I heard is: one person, after probation period, got about 300 raise, and after one year 200 and after the second year 100, so this guy quit. (Guess it is the boss' trick to ask this person go with dignity, //sigh

contract job: heard it is a contracted period only , i have no friend has such job, so don't know about the details.

3, not sure if below link helps

Labour Relations

2019-07-19 16:59


Item 2
有没有医疗保险,有没有年假之类, 全看你的合同怎么写了。通常Contract-based job都会列举的很清楚, 但是仍然会有很多东东模棱两可,所以签合同的时候,一定要看清楚, 问明白那些细节。否则一旦签了大名,就很难改了!
