Is it impolite to use my cell phone in the company of associates

2019-07-19 16:49
Dear Agony Uncle,
I have a question rt, I don't know if it is appropriate.
Thank you very much.

1 个回答


2019-07-19 16:49


Reply From Agony Uncle
If you are expecting an important call, let the person know in advance, and excuse yourself before taking the call, which should be kept very brief. If the conversation requires longer than one minute, arrange for a more convenient time to complete the call. Also:-

When calling someone on his or her cell phone always ask whether it is convenient for that person to take the call.

Do not receive a call when someone has an appointment with you – or when you have guests. It’s rude!

Remember to charge your batteries. It is not polite for a conversation to be interrupted due to low power.

Never use a cell phone on a date. It shows disrespect for your companion. Turn off the phone unless you are expecting an emergency call.

Do not ignore the waiter / waitress in a restaurant or a retail clerk because you are using your cell phone. You are infringing on that individual’s valuable time.

If you are on a speaker phone, always inform the person you are talking with. It respects their privacy.

Do not be the person who talks in a noisy room with a finger in one ear then reach out to shake hands with an associate. It is unhygienic.