来自NUS entrepreneurship centre的邀请
NEC是NUS entrepreneurship centre.跟华新一直有非正式的联系。
每年夏天他们都会组织summer program, 去年他们邀请了华新的朋友介绍在中国留学生在新加坡的生活和创业。上一次是我和MOZAT 的xin yi去的。xin yi介绍了他的公司和他的创业。
不知道是否有热心的朋友愿意演讲呢?如果你在创业,那是最好了。个人觉得不需要非常正式,算是跟中国来的学生们分享你的经验,介绍你的公司,如果没有自己的公司,也可以谈谈在新加坡职场的经历:如何进入自己喜欢的公司,如何在你的领域崭露头角,击风搏浪…… 也可以为你的公司作作广告哦……
NEC 的人说:
I would like to invite Huasing to give an overview of your activities in Spore for the group of students coming from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan for a summer program on entrepreneurship in July. It was the same summer program which you had joined us last year. We would also like to invite a few Huasing members to join the welcome and networking lunch with the students.