12月份花了3000多买了ThinkPad T440S,发现键盘处发出微弱的短促不断的尖叫声音,像个蚊子不停在耳边叫一样。因为家里很安静,这个声音实在是恼人。现在电脑搁置一遍边不用了(才20多天啊)。在网上搜索了一下,发现这个问题很多人都遇到了。中文网站很难看到相关的讨论,一般都是英文网站谈论到。
Lenovo自己在官方的 ThinkPad Knowledge Base里也有说明:
http://forums.lenovo.com/t5/T400-T500-and-newer-T-series/T510-T410-W510-ThinkPad-high-pitched-whine/ta-p/478215 一般称为 CPU Whine, 有人录音过(是amplied version),大家听听:
https://soundcloud.com/discostrings/sets/t420s-coil-whine 从7秒中开始的那个断断续续的尖叫声音,就是我所指的。
“Coil whine results from faulty or low-quality coils or capacitors on the motherboard. These inappropriately resonate at different power levels. Sometimes this can be fixed by applying glue to the noisy component, but it's preferable for laptop manufacturers to make sure they're not using cheap and low quality components in the first place. Many laptop manufacturers will tell you this is Intel's problem and a result of SpeedStep. That is a deceptive statement. The truth is that SpeedStep requires higher quality coils and capacitors, and the truth is the laptop manufacturer was too cheap or negligent to use them. Most laptop manufacturers had major problems with coil when in their first Core Duo machines. Some learned their lesson and started using the appropriate quality of components. Others, six years later, don't seem to understand yet.”
我自己的MacBook Pro是一点也没有这个声音。
我已经被Lenovo的个个部门到处踢来踢去: Reseller; Lenovo Services (Phone); Onsite Warranty; Insurance。沮丧又愤怒。新加坡的信用卡又不像美国那样,具有可以保护顾客,直接退款的功能,要顾客和商家自己协商。
已经ThinkPad T440S了