这个在华新上耳熟能详万众关心的问题我就无聊总结一下,不对的地方请南洋版主纠正 作者:南洋暴雪 (等级:,发帖:1643) 发表:2015-07-07 23:37:45 85楼 如果你说的是新加坡的话
新加坡的法律说: 法官会参考婚前协议的内容,但是不会承认该协议的有效性。 于是,会出现以下两种情况 情况一,如果你写的结论基本上都是合法的(例如,双方各人收入归各人,男方赡养女方等等),那么法官很大可能性按照协议内容予以执行。 情况二,如果你写的结论和新加坡法律不同(例如,出轨则净身出户,单方监护权这种),那么法官会直接无视的。 大概是这样。 简而言之,订了有时候有点用,不订结果基本上也不会差太多。 (10) In this section, “matrimonial asset” means —(a)
any asset acquired before the marriage by one party or both parties to the marriage —(i)
ordinarily used or enjoyed by both parties or one or more of their children while the parties are residing together for shelter or transportation or for household, education, recreational, social or aesthetic purposes; or
which has been substantially improved during the marriage by the other party or by both parties to the marriage; and
any other asset of any nature acquired during the marriage by one party or both parties to the marriage,
but does not include any asset (not being a matrimonial home) that has been acquired by one party at any time by gift or inheritance and that has not been substantially improved during the marriage by the other party or by both parties to the marriage. http://www.singaporedivorcelawyer.com.sg/what-are-matrimonial-assets/
这个在华新上耳熟能详万众关心的问题我就无聊总结一下,不对的地方请南洋版主纠正 ,发帖:1643) 发表:2015-07-07 23:37:45 85楼 如果你说的是新加坡的话
作者:南洋暴雪 (等级:
(10) In this section, “matrimonial asset” means —(a) any asset acquired before the marriage by one party or both parties to the marriage —(i) ordinarily used or enjoyed by both parties or one or more of their children while the parties are residing together for shelter or transportation or for household, education, recreational, social or aesthetic purposes; or (ii) which has been substantially improved during the marriage by the other party or by both parties to the marriage; and (b) any other asset of any nature acquired during the marriage by one party or both parties to the marriage, but does not include any asset (not being a matrimonial home) that has been acquired by one party at any time by gift or inheritance and that has not been substantially improved during the marriage by the other party or by both parties to the marriage.
1. 让父母写一个赠予文件,再保存好父母汇首期和分期给你的收据。
2. 在婚前协定加入这个房子是父母赠予的婚前财产
3. (保险起见) 结婚后不要住这个房子