你的CPF OA普通账户理有多少钱可以投入新加坡的股票市场?
还有,有多少比例的CPF OA的资金可以用来投资 , 代码是ES3的 STI ETF?
Fund Profile
21 October 2009's NAV per Share: SGD $ 2.73
Investment Objective
streetTRACKS STI's investment objective is to provide investment results that closely correspond to the performance of the Straits Times Index.
You can buy or sell shares of streetTRACKS STI just like any other share listed on SGX-ST any time during the trading day through your broker or any online dealing facility.
Use of CPF Funds
streetTRACKS STI is included in CPF Investment Scheme - Ordinary Account. CPF members are allowed to invest up to 100% of their CPF savings in streetTRACKS STI, compared to only 35% for other Singaporean stocks listed on SGX-ST.
The Manager of streetTRACKS STI is State Street Global Advisors Singapore Limited, part of the State Street Global Advisors (SSgA) group, one of the largest investment managers in the world with over US$2.0 trillion under management (30 September 2008).
The Trustee of streetTRACKS STI is DBS Trustee Limited, a wholly-owned subsidary of the Development Bank of Singapore (DBS).
The Straits Times Index.
Board Lots
A board lot is 1000 units.
Price of each share
Approximately 1/1000th of the Straits Times Index.
Total Annual Costs (Expense Ratio)*
0.3% per annum.
Investors can expect to receive dividends twice a year.
*: the annual cost of the fund comprises the management fee, the trustee fee, and other fund expenses. Investors will also pay the standard costs associated with buying and selling shares on SGX-ST.
Important Legal Information
The Prospectus in respect of the offer of the units (the "Units") in the streetTRACKS® Straits Times Index Fund (the "Fund") is available and may be obtained upon request, subject to availability, from State Street Global Advisors Singapore Limited ("SSgA"). Investors should read the Prospectus before deciding whether to acquire Units in the Fund. The value of Units and the income from them may fall as well as rise. Units in the Fund are not obligations of, deposits in, or guaranteed by, SSgA or any of its affiliates. An investment in Units is subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Past performance figures are not necessarily indicative of future performance of the Fund.
Investors have no right to request SSgA to redeem their Units while the Units are listed. It is intended that holders of Units may only deal in their Units through trading on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited ("SGX-ST"). Listing of the Units on the SGX-ST does not guarantee a liquid market for the Units.
The streetTRACKS® Straits Times Index Fund (the "Fund") is not in any way sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by SPH Data Services Pte Ltd or Singapore Press Holdings Ltd (collectively "SPH") or FTSE International Limited ("FTSE"). SPH and FTSE make no warranties or representations whatsoever, either expressly or impliedly, either as to the results to be obtained from the Straits Times Index ("STI") and/or the figure at which the STI stands at any particular time on any particular day or otherwise. SPH and FTSE do not warrant or represent or guarantee to any broker or holder of any units in the Fund sold or marketed by State Street Global Advisors Singapore Limited or any member of the public as to the accuracy or completeness of the STI and its computation or any related information. No warranties, representations or guarantees of any kind are made in relation to the STI or the Fund by FTSE or SPH. The units in the Fund are not issued, endorsed, sold or promoted by FTSE or SPH and neither FTSE nor SPH bear any liability in connection with the administration, marketing or trading of the units in the Fund. The STI is calculated by FTSE and neither FTSE nor SPH accept any liability (whether in negligence or otherwise) towards any person for any error in the STI and shall not be under any obligation to advise any person of any error therein. The compilation or composition of the STI or the constituent stocks and factors may be altered or changed by FTSE without notice. All intellectual property rights in the STI vest in SPH.
Each of Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited, its subsidiaries, related corporations, and holding company, and their respective directors or employees, and any other party involved in, or related to, making or compiling the STI (together, the "Relevant Persons") makes no guarantee, warranty, representation or undertaking, express or implied, as to the accuracy, correctness, timeliness, completeness, originality, satisfactory quality, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose of any of the values of the STI, the indicative optimum portfolio value of the Units, or any information or data included in or referable to such values. Investing in the Units involves risks, which in any case, are disclaimed by the Relevant Persons and described more fully in the Prospectus. The Units are also subject to the terms and conditions (and disclaimers by the Relevant Persons) set out in the Trust Deed constituting the Units.