2012 新加坡-中国创业就业发展论坛 by SGCSSA and NUSGSS
2012 Entrepreneurship and Career Development Forum
Speakers and the topics演讲嘉宾:
Jimmy Koh Chew Teck on Rise of Asian Banking
Mr. Jimmy Koh is the Executive Director, Head of Investor Relations & Research in United Overseas Bank Ltd (UOB), Singapore. His main responsibilities include leading a team of economists in macro-economic research of G7 and Asian Emerging Markets, formulating Foreign Exchange and Interest Rates strategies. With his vast experience and knowledge of the market, Jimmy also involved in regular discussions with various Asian Central Banks, as well as multilateral agencies such as IMF and World Bank.
Peter Kellock on My Own Entrepreneurial Journey in Muvee: from startup to a company that has shipped more than 100 million copies of its software to date
Pete Kellock is the Executive Advisor/Mentor in Entrepreneurship at NUS. He is the Co-founder, lead inventor & former CEO of Singapore-based muvee Technologies which created a new category of consumer media product - automatic video editing software - and has to date shipped hundreds of millions of copies worldwide. Previously Pete was a researcher in Kent Ridge Digital Labs, a course manager in the Institute of Systems Science (NUS), and a founder/director of Zyklus, a ground-breaking music technology company in the UK. He has 18 granted patents and holds a doctorate in Electronic Music plus undergraduate degrees in Physics/Maths/Computer-Science and in Music.
Koh Chin Yee on Entrepreneurship and Start-Ups: My decade-long observation in China
Mr. Koh Chin Yee is currently Director, Asia Directorate (China) in the Office of Vice President (University and Global Relations) for National University of Singapore. He graduated in 1994 from National University of Singapore with a BA (Hons) Degree in Chinese Studies, and with a MBA, also from NUS, in 2001. He held appointments in news and media relations as well as China affairs in several government bodies before he spent a few years as general manager in companies andchamber of commerce in China, and Business China Singapore. He is a columnist for Lianhe Zaobao and other media.
Time and Venue 时间及地点:
Saturday, 5th May, 2:45 – 5: 45pm
NAK Auditorium (NUS University Town)
Registration 注册报名:
Online registration: Please click here!
Thank you very much for your great support!
Organizer 主办单位: Department of Entrepreneurship and Career Development Service, Chinese Scholars and Students Association in Singapore 新加坡中国学者学生联合会创业就业服务部
Co-organizers 协办单位: NUS Graduate Student Society 新加坡国立大学研究生协会 | East China Research Institute of Electronic Engineering 中国电子科技集团公司第三十八研究所| Western Returned Scholars Association Chinese Overseas Educated Scholars Association 欧美同学会*中国留学人员联谊会留学报国大连基地
Sponsors 赞助商: China UnionPay | Freebao.com
Partners 合作伙伴: Bank of China | State Bank of India | Befounder.com | NUS UTown Graduate Residences | Zhejiang University Alumni Association of Singapore
Sponsors' Information 赞助商信息:
China UnionPay:Established in March 2002, UnionPay is a bankcard association established under the approval of the State Council and the People’s Bank of China. At present, the Shanghai-headquartered UnionPay has about 400 domestic and overseas associate members.
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*Only apply to Singapore Users for the period of April 25-May 30. Winner will be annouced on May 30th and will be updated on Websites. Details will be given upon registration.
Other Information 其他信息:
Visitors can get to University Town (UTown) by
- NUS Internal Shuttle Buses D1 & D2
- Public buses 33 and 196 from Dover Road
- Public buses 33, 96, 151, 183 and 196 from Clementi Road
* Please note that parking at UTown is available along the ring road and at CREATE car park. However, you may wish to park at the main campus as there are limited parking spaces in UTown.
You can find the map of NUS University Town following the links below:
http://www.nus...edu.sg/campusmap/utown.php or http://utown.nus.edu.sg/contact/getting-here/
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