Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) 因项目需要,特招聘有丰富C++经验的工程师,参与过软件产品开发者优先。欢迎有志于R&D工作的朋友申请,工资待遇将根据经验和资历确定。有意申请者,可发简历至,或通过网络申请 工作描述如下:You will work on the research and development of text, voice and music signal processing. The tasks will include implementing new algorithms in C/C++, converting existing algorithms into C/C++, etc. In addition, you will work on software development kit (SDK) and application programs that will run on multiple platforms, such as windows, linux, iOS, Android, etc. 本想买也可以接受短期工作申请,短期工作需是citizen或者PR。谢谢。