
2019-07-18 07:31
明年孩子就报名小学了,考虑换个房子来注册2C。 有两个考虑: 1,目标小学的2C成功概率只有75%左右; 2,我们希望在旧家继续住到2017年底(不用换幼儿园),之后小学入学前再真正搬家。
如下打算行吗? 17年4、5月份开始去租个学校1公里内的房子,用来注册2C,但不真正去住。 如果17年8月份的2C抽不中,就2CS回到旧家,上旧家附近的学校。 如果抽中,就卖旧房。然后在学校1公里之内买新房,然后通知MOE改地址。17年底搬家。
还有就是2C结果出来之后,能不能就停掉租房呢?这时候我只租了四个月左右。 我乐意多赔给房东两个月啥的,不知道对方愿不愿意啊。

2 个回答


2019-07-18 07:31


提醒一下楼主,P1 注册用的地址必须住至少30 个月

The address used in the P1 Registration Exercise should be the parents’ official residential address as reflected on their NRICs. This address will be used to determine the home-school distance category, where required for consideration of priority in admissions.

The home-school distance category priority is given with the expectation that the family will reside at the address for the duration of the child’s primary school studies, as it is for the convenience and interest of the child.

In a small number of cases, there may be situations where the families are unable to remain at the address used for registration for the entire duration of the child’s primary school studies. Even so, a child who gains priority admission into a school through his/her distance category is required to reside at the address used for registration for at least 30 months from the commencement of the P1 registration exercise on 30 June 2016. If this condition is not met, MOE reserves the right to transfer the child to another school with vacancies, as the priority admission to the first school was based on the declared address used for registration.

2019-07-18 07:31


"Parents who move to a residence that is within the same home-school distance category as the declared address used for registration, can continue to fulfil the 30 months stay condition based on the new address.“
