1. DBS 给了 1.10%+FHR9 = 1.35% all the way. 个人感觉这个利息还是相当诱人的,唯一的缺点是FHR9浮动可能会相对比较大;
2. Maybank 给了 year1 1.28%, year2 1.32%, year3 1.38%, thereafter FDMR36 + 0.69% = 1.89%, maybank前期的利息是最好的,但是后期加的很高,如果选择他们家,后期必定要reprice;
3. UOB 给了 year1 1.35%, year2 1.35%, year3 1.4%, year4 15M FDPR + 1.35% = 1.6% thereafter。UOB个人感觉是最小气的,一开始他们家开的利息更高,看我一副很不屑的样子,做出了让步,但是让步之后的条件相比DBS还是不行,DBS的利息要低于UOB,而且15个月利息浮动比9个月也小不了太多╮(╯-╰)╭;
4. OCBC 给了 year1 1.35%, year2 1.35, year3 1.4%, year4 OHR+0.6% = 1.60%。 OCBC看着跟uob长不多,但是OHR是根据过去12年的sibor平均值来算的,所以稳定的多,基本不太会变多少。
查了一下叫ocbc combo package
Floating OCBC Home Rate 1.35
2Y fixed rate at 1.65%
Please note the following terms for the OHR Combo package:
i. OHR is at 1.00%
ii. One free switch to the 1.65% fixed rate package anytime
iii. Free switch to any other packages should OHR increase
iv. 1.65% will apply for the remaining months within the 2Y lock-in period. Example: 1.65% p.a. for 9 months if switch from floating to fixed rate occurs at 15th month