It's a great promotion just ended last Saturday.
It includes 15 full body treatment, 5 full body wrap and anti-fat serum.
I've only taken 1 treatment.
Because of a serious financial problem, I need to tansfer it.
I can give you a brief idea of the price: the usual price for this treatment is $280/time. the price of the anti-fat serum is $298/box. Because it's a promotion, quite cheap, only $180/time and the serum is buy 3 get 1 free. I also have bought 18 pads for the treatment using.
You can calculate it.
I want to transfer it at $2500 for all of this stuff.
I'm serious, contact me sheishen@hotmail.com if you really interested.
还有body treatment到底是个什么东东?怎么treat法呀,要是抽脂我可不要。你做过一次吧,他们怎么弄得?还有full body岂不是连不该减的地方也减了。。。。好担心。。。
还有你的price讲得不清楚啊,$180/time是指treatment还是full body wrap?full body wrap is free?
Anyway, i am serious of looking for a slimming treatment. waiting for your feedback lah...