Childcare center的Licence Tenure时间越长代表越好吗?
选了一家今年3月刚开的childcare center,有6个娃现在,最小的19个月,最大的2岁半的样子,原本都要打算报名了,今天看了一下childcare center的license tenure,又有点儿纠结了,不晓得我的理解是不是有偏差,求教 4. Why are centres issued with different tenure of licence? What do they mean?
Centres are issued with licences of different tenure - 6 months, 12 months or 24 months, depending on their performance.
A 24-month licence is issued to a child care centre that has exceeded ECDA' licensing requirements, indicative of a high quality centre.o0
A 12-month licence is issued to centres that meet the Agency's acceptable standards of care.
;A 6-month licence is issued to centres that have not met certain crucial licensing requirements. Such infractions might include an isolated incident that breaches licensing requirements or certain aspects of care standards that need to be improved. The Agency hand-holds and guides such centres to ensure that they improve their services.
找到了,-_-|| The tenure of initial licence is 12 months
7. How much does this licence costs and how long is it valid?
The tenure of initial licence is 12 months. The licence fee of $264 will be deducted via GIRO and the licence will be mailed to you after the payment has been made