
2019-07-19 19:57

可能很多妈妈知道,宝宝的嘴巴是最好的“吸奶器”,没有任何一款吸奶器可以和宝宝的吸吮相比。知道这个事实,可能大家不知道这个原因。我简单讲一下,可以说吸奶器,仅仅是一个“吸”的机器,就是负压吸引(negative pressure, suction)。而婴儿的吸吮,不但他/她的嘴巴闭合形成一个负压吸引,而且面部口腔尤其是舌头的运动更是给妈妈的乳房一个积极的“挤压”力(Positive pressure,compression),使得乳汁更好的从乳房里输送出来。观察一下母乳宝宝的舌头,你会发现,宝宝的舌头会做波浪形运动。所以,有两种用力方式的婴儿的吸吮是仅仅单一负压吸引的吸奶器所不能比的。而且,我还在会议上和妈妈们打过一个比方,你的宝宝直接来吸你的乳汁和一个塑料的东西套在你的乳房上来机械的吸(往往还伴着机械的噪音),这样的效果能一样吗?而妈妈吸奶,也一样,就好比,你是真遇到伤心的事情眼泪就掉下来了,还是面对一个摄像镜头你得挤出几滴泪来,哪个效果好啊?不能说后面那个挤不出眼泪的她的泪腺就有问题了吧。

1 如果你现在还是准妈妈,请记住,如果你的婴儿是足月健康儿,请不要带吸奶器去医院。而是要在婴儿出生后,不设限制地给婴儿频繁的亲喂,你不需要吸奶器。如果你的婴儿在初乳阶段就能和你反复的练习磨合,到3-5天你的奶下来了,就能非常好的应对。千万不要一边吸奶,一边给孩子用奶瓶。这就等于放着宝宝不让吸,反而用机械的东西来吸。如果你说宝宝不会吸,那是因为你没给他机会。那么吸奶器就能非常完美的来吸了吗?未必。正如前面讲的,假如吸奶器工作起来像婴儿,那么你不给自己的孩子哺乳,反而让其他“婴儿”来吸,这就是被吸奶器变成了“奶妈”而不是自己孩子的母亲的典型例子。
2 病理性涨奶,要用好的吸奶器来消除。我很不想说必须要用医院级别的吸奶器,虽然这是标准,但是对于很多妈妈来说不现实。向我咨询的妈妈里,不少遭遇过这样严重的涨奶。一个简单的判断就是,当你的乳房像额头一样硬了,就是病理性涨奶了。生理性的涨奶,你的乳房不痛,而且也就和鼻尖的触觉一样,这时要加强频繁喂养。到病理性涨奶了,乳腺细胞以及整个乳房的压力都太高了,妈妈也疼痛难忍,这时真的需要非常有效的吸奶器来解决。幸运的妈妈遇到好的护士会按摩,再手挤,或者家人帮忙吸(有的妈妈说让丈夫吸通)。也有不少妈妈请按摩师通乳师,或许有帮助,也有按坏了的。更多的是经历了这样病理性涨奶影响产奶了。没有正确的医疗设备,对于这样病理性的情况,的确比较棘手。因此,我更愿意把医院级别的吸奶器归类于医疗器械。这样妈妈们就可以明白,正常情况下,其实没有必要使用这样的吸奶器。因此在这里更重要的一点就是婴儿出生后要尽早尽快的频繁的不设限制的哺乳。一定是母婴不能分离。让宝宝发挥他/她的天然本能,熟悉妈妈的乳房和吸吮技术,岂不美哉?
3 如果你的婴儿是早产儿或者因出生疾病或者缺陷需要和母亲分离的,那么母亲可以使用医院级别的吸奶器开始吸奶。因为这时候的母乳大多数时候甚至作为一种救命的“良药”。说到这里,我不得不考虑的一个问题是,国内的医院是否有医院级别的吸奶器供妈妈使用?从严格意义上来讲,只有医院级别的双吸的吸奶器才是帮助妈妈建立充足母乳量的合适的吸奶器。考虑实际情况,如果实在没有,那么在经济条件允许的范围内选择好的吸奶器并且配合按摩和手挤。早开始比晚开始好,教条等待比积极行动好。还有个问题就是医生是否支持妈妈们把挤出来的奶给婴儿?国外有的新生儿科医生会鼓励妈妈挤奶给她在NICU(新生儿重症病房)的宝宝。这方面,希望妈妈们和医生沟通了。希望以后医生的继续教育里加上母乳喂养这一课程,尤其是新生儿科,产科,和小儿各科的医生。
4 手动的吸奶器原则上适合那些产奶充沛,母乳喂养建立的很好的妈妈。手动吸奶器体积小,携带方便,那些上班的妈妈或者出差的妈妈,有时找不到插电的,那么如果她平时产奶情况很好,使用吸奶器时喷乳反射正常,那么使用手动的就可以了。有些医院(无论国内国外)会在妈妈生产之后,送免费的各种样品,包括手动吸奶器。并不是说这些手动吸奶器就是罪恶的,只是它对于新妈妈,可能真的成了母乳喂养的障碍。为什么?手动吸奶器因为吸力有限,不少妈妈吸不出多少奶就开始怀疑自己产奶,此外对于病理性涨奶,手动吸奶器也基本无效。单吸的手动吸奶器对刺激乳房增产效果也差,所以妈妈从怀疑自己产奶到用吸奶器追奶,就又走上了母乳喂养的弯路。
妈妈不要被宝宝的瓶喂奶量吓倒了。因为你上班了,孩子是别人喂,而且奶瓶喂的话,容易过度喂养。举个例子,很多妈妈给我来信说,我的孩子一顿吃120毫升,我才挤80啊,这怎么够啊。有时候,这不是这个妈妈产奶不够,而是在母乳瓶喂的时候,而导致的过度喂养。比如一个10斤的小孩,每天吃奶量大概是800毫升(请妈妈们注意,每个孩子的吃奶量并不是一样的,即使是相同月龄或者相同体重的孩子会有不同)。如果这个孩子早上10点,中午12:30,下午3点,吃三次奶瓶喂的母乳,家里人可以给他灌下去150毫升,那么这三次奶就吃掉450毫升。如果你出门前亲喂一次,回家马上亲喂一次,晚上还喂两次,那么即使每次从你的乳房上直接吃了100毫升,这样也有点过了。而且妈妈在单位每次挤奶可能就挤出那么100左右,她就会紧张,觉得怎么还缺50呀?事实上这个孩子实际每次大概就是吃100左右的量。能额外吃50,很大程度上是被快速的奶流灌进去了。为了避免这个问题,有时候还得采用paced feeding,就是在瓶喂的时候采用吸吸吸停的方法,就是让孩子吸三次,停一下,再吸,再停,有节律的吸和停来预防过度喂养。这个的确很难,因为家里带宝宝的人往往觉得孩子吃的越多越好。在这里特别要提醒妈妈的是,你的宝宝白天的吃奶量的确会影响你回家后的亲喂量。如果白天塞的太多的宝宝,你回家后他吃奶的兴趣不高,亲喂少,这也会影响你的产奶。反过来,有的宝宝白天不愿意吃,晚上妈妈回来就多吃,当然这样对于上班的妈妈就会累些,只要妈妈调节的好,这样反而有利于产奶。妈妈们要注意的是,不要只关注吸出来的奶量,因为更重要的是宝宝的情况,大小便如何,情绪如何,体重增长如何?
6 频率比时间更重要。首先就是要看是什么目的的吸奶。比如,为暂时没有吸吮能力的早产儿吸奶和上班妈妈为5个月大的孩子吸奶的安排是不同的。不过有一点是一样的,就是每次20分钟吸三次,要比一次吸一个小时效果要好。这个内容扩展开来,估计今天我不睡觉也写不完的。对于上班的妈妈来说,如果你上班上午挤一次,下午挤一次,每次每边挤半小时。如果你觉得产奶量下来了,那么还是上午挤两次下午也挤两次,每次每边15分钟,效果会更好些。单纯靠吸奶来促进和维持产奶的妈妈,比如为早产儿吸奶,可以采用白天频繁挤,比如两小时就挤一次,从早上8点到晚9点,可以挤上6-7次,然后晚上再挤1-2次,保证至少有5个小时的没有打扰的睡眠。因为休息也很重要。
7 放松很重要。喷乳反射对挤奶很重要。让女性产生喷乳反射的Oxytocin水平不但受到婴儿吸吮的刺激,而且也受到视觉,嗅觉,听觉,甚至想象的刺激。所以如果不能和婴儿在一起,那么看看宝宝的照片,闻闻宝宝穿过的衣服,听听宝宝的声音,甚至可以闭上眼睛想象宝宝的可爱样子,都会使Oxytocin的水平快速上升而产生喷奶反射。的确这个“气氛”需要人为去制造,这就好比现在没伤心事,你得挤出眼泪来。因此挤奶对有些妈妈来讲容易,有些就难,但是不代表挤奶难的妈妈产奶就不行。不过注意了,如果离开宝宝时间长,又难挤出奶,这倒会影响产奶量。

8 不少妈妈在给我来信的时候会提到这样的说法:当时我不知道宝宝吃完后还要排空乳房,所以现在产奶量下降。事实上这样的说法是不正确的,至少是不全面的。如果你的宝宝是足月健康儿,频繁的按需哺乳就可以了,额外再挤奶或者说排空乳房是不必要的。我常常遇到这样的妈妈,她们喜欢把喂完孩子之后再挤奶,喜欢那种挤的干干净净的感觉。这样往往有两个结果,一就是存了一冰箱的奶,二就是她的产奶不容易和孩子的需要达到平衡,因此也给生活带来的不方便。有的妈妈问,那么孩子吃完奶,乳房里还有奶,不挤出来的话不是容易得乳腺炎吗?其实,你的乳房在哺乳期甚至断奶后的一段时间里总是有乳汁存在,你不可能在这个时间段里彻底排空乳房里的奶。正常哺乳的情况下,乳房里的奶也不会随便的就会成为细菌的培养基。打个比方来说,我们的膀胱,不停的在接受从肾脏过来的尿液,满到一定程度,我们感到有尿意。通常情况,我们不会发生尿路的感染,只有总是憋尿使得尿液长时间储留,加上局部细菌有时间来侵犯,正好你身体抵抗力下降等等情况一综合,你就发生尿路感染了。我们要知道,尿本身是无菌的。我们不能因为会发生尿路感染就时时刻刻用导尿管把尿导出来,来排空膀胱。你可能会笑,但是道理就是这样,只要是正常的产生-排出,这样正常的情况下,真的无需额外排空。


4 个回答


2019-07-19 19:57



1 很多妈妈都知道要想多产奶,就要让宝宝多吸,可是宝宝不愿意吸怎么办?具体表现有:宝宝不肯吸,不肯持续的吸,一吃奶就睡觉,奶出来慢不肯吸,哭闹,非要加配方奶才安静等等。那么宝宝不肯吸怎么办?妈妈们首先想到的就是用吸奶器来弥补应该是由宝宝来给乳房的吸吮。
2 吸奶器吸不出多少奶。不少妈妈说努力半天也就几十毫升。真着急。
3 感觉自己奶少,因此在宝宝吸吮自己乳房的时候常常觉得宝宝没吃多少,更是担心会饿着宝宝。吸吮自己的乳房后,再加配方奶,一看仍旧加那么多,信心就没了。
两点必须注意的是:1 母乳喂养就是频繁的,尤其在前3个月,夜间哺乳也很重要。所以,如果你的宝宝是混合喂养并且瓶喂的,现在转成纯母乳,他的吃奶习惯会改变,而且也要经历一定的调整时期。因此,如果之前你的宝宝每3个小时才吃一次,那么现在可能2小时就吃一次,而且吃的时间会长。要记住的是,母乳喂养和人工喂养是两种喂养方式。
2 如果你想靠吸奶器来增加产奶量,首先吸奶器的质量是要好的。而且要记住的是,在条件允许的情况下,双吸的医院级别的吸奶器对建立充足的产奶量有效。不过现实生活里,可能找到这样的吸奶器也不容易,即使有,价格也很昂贵。要知道,在发展中国家,不少妈妈也就是用手动吸奶器的。你要确保你的吸奶器的吸力是在正常的范围。并且你吸奶一定要频繁于目前宝宝吃奶的次数。你的宝宝目前是在混合喂养,那么实际上他吃奶的频率可能要比吃母乳来的少。我常说,吸奶也要按需,这就是说,如果你的宝宝每天吃8次奶,但是混合喂养,那么你最好吸10次奶。在追奶的时候,妈妈吸奶最好是频繁的短时间吸。我举个例子:每2个小时吸一次,每次一共30分钟的话,你可以每次左边5分钟,右边5分钟,再左边5分钟,再右边5分钟,再左边5分钟,再右边5分钟。频率很重要。而且因为没有双吸的吸奶器的话,用单个吸奶器短时间轮流吸两边会比较平衡和有效的吸奶。
3 母婴配合问题。这个是问题的关键。归根结底,妈妈们希望摆脱吸奶器,然后都让宝宝来吸吮。那么现在宝宝不吸吮怎么办?这有很多解决办法,比如不给宝宝其他的吸吮,没有奶瓶人工奶嘴。这样他会对妈妈的乳房有兴趣。但是勺喂杯喂慢,怎么办?专业的哺乳顾问最喜欢让宝宝吸吮妈妈的乳头的时候再同时给与额外的乳汁(吸出来的母乳或者配方奶)来鼓励宝宝在妈妈的乳房上多吸吮。比如使用哺乳辅助器,或者宝宝在吸妈妈的乳房时,其他人使用牙科的注射器往宝宝嘴角里慢慢注入乳汁。我们要知道,当宝宝表现出不愿意吸妈妈乳房的时候,对妈妈打击是很大的。因此,我们要想办法,让宝宝对吸妈妈的乳房有兴趣,这是很关键的。在先给配方奶后吸妈妈的乳房这个增加产奶量的方法里,其实关键就是让宝宝吃少量的配方奶,使得他不怎么饿,然后有耐心在妈妈乳房上多吸吮。此外还有不要让宝宝太饿了才喂奶,这样他耐心更不够,更不原意在妈妈出奶慢的乳房上吃奶。

2 妈妈去上班而长时间离开宝宝。
1 正确选择合适你的尺寸的吸奶器。吸奶器的乳房罩部分有个管道连到吸奶器的机体部分。你的乳头应该可以自由的在这个管道里滑进滑出,而且每次挤完奶,你的乳头没有受到挤压的痕迹。有的妈妈尤其乳头大的妈妈会发现挤完奶后,乳头的根部会有一圈白印子,这就是说明这个乳房罩导管对你来说太小了。这样会损伤你的乳头。即使开始吸的时候乳头不大,但是随着吸奶,你的乳头也会渐渐变大。所以要选择合适的尺寸。
5 再次提醒,吸奶的关键是频率,放松和喷乳反射。频繁的吸每次短时间比间隔时间长而一次长时间的吸效果要好。放松非常重要,紧张和匆忙本身就抑制了催产素的分泌。喷乳反射是需要催产素的分泌来催发的。而催产素的分泌可以受到听觉视觉嗅觉感觉甚至想象来的。这在之前的文章里提到过具体的方法。


2019-07-19 19:57



Baby Food If breast is best, why are women bottling their milk? byJanuary 19, 2009Mid-nineteenth-century America was gripped by a cult of motherhood. Then, a few decades later, many women refused to nurse.
There are some new rules governing what used to be called “mother’s milk,” or “breast milk,” including one about what to call it when it’s no longer in a mother’s breast. A term, then, nomenclatural: “expressed human milk” is milk that has been pressed, squeezed, or sucked out of a woman’s breast by hand or by machine and stored in a bottle or, for freezing, in a plastic bag secured with a twist tie. Matters, regulatory: Can a woman carry containers of her own milk on an airplane? Before the summer of 2007, not more than three ounces, because the Transportation Security Administration classed human milk with shampoo, toothpaste, and Gatorade, until a Minneapolis woman heading home after a business trip was reduced to tears when a security guard at LaGuardia poured a two-day supply of her milk into a garbage bin. Dr. Ruth Lawrence, of the breast-feeding committee of the American Academy of Pediatrics, promptly told the press, “She needs every drop of that precious golden fluid for her baby”; lactivists, who often stage “nurse-ins,” sent petitions; and the T.S.A. eventually reclassified human milk as “liquid medication.” Can a woman sell her milk on eBay? It has been done, and, so far, with no more consequence than the opprobrium of the blogosphere, at least until the F.D.A. decides to tackle this one. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, however, does provide a fact sheet on “What to Do If an Infant or Child Is Mistakenly Fed Another Woman’s Expressed Breast Milk,” which can happen at day-care centers where fridges are full of bags of milk, labelled in smudgeable ink. (The C.D.C. advises that a switch “should be treated just as if an accidental exposure to other bodily fluids had occurred.”) During a nine-hour exam, can a woman take a break to express the milk uncomfortably filling her breasts? No, because the Americans with Disabilities Act does not consider lactation to be a disability. Can a human-milk bank pay a woman for her milk? (Milk banks provide hospitals with pasteurized human milk.) No, because doing so would violate the ethical standards of the Human Milk Banking Association of North America. If a nursing woman drinks to excess—some alcohol flows from the bloodstream into the mammary glands—can she be charged with child abuse? Hasn’t happened yet, but there’s been talk. Meanwhile, women who are worried can test a few drops with a product called milkscreen; if the alcohol level is too high, you’re supposed to wait and test again, but the temptation is: pump and dump.
An observation, historical: all this is so new that people are making up the rules as they go along. Before the nineteen-nineties, electric breast pumps, sophisticated pieces of medical equipment, were generally available only in hospitals, where they are used to express milk from women with inverted nipples and from mothers of infants too weak and tiny to suck. Today, breast pumps are such a ubiquitous personal accessory that they’re more like cell phones than like catheters. Last July, Stephen Colbert hooked up to a breast pump on “The Colbert Report.” In August, the Republican Vice-Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin, told People that she has often found herself having to “put down the BlackBerries and pick up the breast pump.” Pumps, in short, abound.
A treatise, mercantile: Medela, a Swiss company that has long been a breast-pump industry leader, introduced its first non-hospital, electric-powered, vacuum-operated breast pump in the United States in 1991; five years later it launched the swank Pump In Style. Since then, its sales have quadrupled. The traffic in pumps is brisk, although accurate sales figures are hard to come by, not least because many people buy the top-of-the-line models secondhand. (Manufacturers argue that if you wouldn’t buy a used toothbrush you shouldn’t buy a used breast pump, but a toothbrush doesn’t cost three hundred dollars.) Then, there’s the swag. “Baby-friendly” maternity wards that used to send new mothers home with free samples of infant formula now give out manual pumps: plastic, one-breast-at-a-time gizmos that work like a cross between a straw and a bicycle pump. Wal-Mart sells an Evenflo electric pump for less than forty dollars. Philips makes one “featuring new iQ Technology”; the pitch is: the pump’s memory chip makes it smart, but the name also plays on dubious claims that human milk raises I.Q. scores. State-of-the-art pumps whose motors, tubes, and freeze packs are wedged into bags disguised to look like black leather Fendi briefcases and Gucci backpacks are a must-have at baby showers; the Medela Pump In Style Advanced Metro model—“the C.E.O. of breast pumps”—costs $329.99 at Target. Medela also sells Pump & Save storage bags and breast shields. (The shield is the plastic part of the contraption that fits over the breast; it looks like a horn of plenty.) Medela’s no-hands model can be powered by your car’s cigarette lighter. Strenuous motherhood is de rigueur. Duck into the ladies’ room at a conference of, say, professors and chances are you’ll find a flock of women with matching “briefcases,” waiting, none too patiently and, trust me, more than a little sheepishly, for a turn with the electric outlet. Pumps come with plastic sleeves, like the sleeves in a man’s wallet, into which a mother is supposed to slip a photograph of her baby, because, Pavlov-like, looking at the picture aids “let-down,” the release of milk normally triggered by the presence of the baby, its touch, its cry. Staring at that picture when your baby is miles away, well, it can make you cry, too. Pumping is no fun—whether it’s more boring or more lonesome I find hard to say—but it has recently become so common that even some women who are home with their babies all day long express their milk and feed it in a bottle. Behind closed doors, the nation begins to look like a giant human dairy farm.
This makes it all the more worrying that the evolving rules governing human milk, including the proposed Breastfeeding Promotion Act of 2007, look a muddle. They indulge in a nomenclatural sleight of hand, conflating “breastfeeding” and “feeding human milk.” They are purblind, unwilling to eye whether it’s his mother or her milk that matters more to a baby. They suffer from a category error. Is human milk an elixir, a commodity, a right? The question is, at heart, taxonomical. And it has been asked before.
In 1735, when the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus first sorted out the animal kingdom, he classed humans in a category called Quadrupedia: four-footed beasts. Even those of Linnaeus’s contemporaries who conceded the animality of man averred that people have two feet, not four. Ah, but hands are just feet that can grip, Linnaeus countered. This proved unpersuasive. By 1758, in a process that the Stanford historian of science Londa Schiebinger has reconstructed, Linnaeus had abandoned Quadrupedia in favor of a word that he made up, Mammalia: animals with milk-producing nipples. (The Latin root, mamma, meaning breast, teat, or udder, is closely related to the onomatopoeic mama—“mother”—thought to derive from the sound that a baby makes while suckling.) As categories go, “mammal” is an improvement over “quadruped,” especially if you’re thinking about what we have in common with whales. But, for a while, at least, it was deemed scandalously erotic. (Linnaeus’s classification of plants based on their reproductive organs, stamens and pistils, fell prey to a similar attack. “Loathsome harlotry,” one botanist called it.) More important, the name falls something short of capacious: only female mammals lactate; males, strictly speaking, are not mammals. Plenty of other features distinguish mammals from Linnaeus’s five other animal classes—birds, amphibians, fish, insects, and worms. (Tetracoilia, animals with a four-chambered heart, proposed by a contemporary of Linnaeus’s, the Scottish surgeon John Hunter, was at least as good an idea.) Linnaeus had his reasons. Naysayers might doubt that humans are essentially four-footed (whether on scriptural or arithmetic grounds), but no man born of woman, he figured, would dare deny that he was nourished by mother’s milk.
Then, too, while Linnaeus was revising his “Systema Naturae” from the twelve-page pamphlet that he published in 1735 to the two-thousand-page opus of 1758—and abandoning Quadrupedia in favor of Mammalia—his wife was, not irrelevantly, lactating. Between 1741 and 1757, she bore and nursed seven children. Her husband, meanwhile, lectured and campaigned against the widespread custom of wet-nursing. The practice is ancient; contracts for wet nurses have been found on scrolls in Babylonia. A very small number of women can’t breast-feed, and wet nurses also save the lives of infants whose mothers die in childbirth. But, in Linnaeus’s time, extraordinary numbers of European mothers—as many as ninety per cent of Parisian women—refused to breast-feed their babies and hired servants to do the work. In 1752, Linnaeus wrote a treatise entitled “Step Nurse,” declaring wet-nursing a crime against nature. Even the fiercest beasts nurse their young, with the utmost tenderness; surely women who resisted their mammalian destiny were to be ranked as lowlier than the lowliest brute.
Enlightenment doctors, philosophers, and legislators agreed: women should nurse their children. In “mile” (1762), Rousseau prophesied, “When mothers deign to nurse their own children, then morals will reform themselves.” (Voltaire had a quibble or two about Rousseau’s own morals: the author of “mile” had abandoned his five illegitimate children at birth, depositing them at a foundling hospital.) “There is no nurse like a mother,” Benjamin Franklin wrote in 1785, after discovering an infant-mortality rate of eighty-five per cent at the foundling hospital in Paris that relied on wet nurses (the hospital where Rousseau’s children all but certainly died), a discovery that explains why Franklin, in his autobiography, went to the trouble of remarking of his own mother, “She suckled all her 10 Children.” But wet nurses were not nearly as common in Colonial America as they were in eighteenth-century Europe. “Suckle your Infant your Self if you can,” Cotton Mather commanded from the pulpit. Puritans found milk divine: even the Good Book gave suck. “Spiritual Milk for Boston Babes, Drawn Out of the Breasts of Both Testaments” was the title of a popular catechism. By the end of the eighteenth century, breast-feeding had come to seem an act of citizenship. Mary Wollstonecraft, in her “Vindication of the Rights of Woman” (1792), scoffed that a mother who “neither suckles nor educates her children, scarcely deserves the name of a wife, and has no right to that of a citizen.” The following year, the French National Convention ruled that women who employed wet nurses could not apply for state aid; not long afterward, Prussia made breast-feeding a legal requirement.
There was also a soppy side to the Age of Reason. In 1794, Erasmus Darwin offered in “Zoonomia; or The Laws of Organic Life” a good summary of the eighteenth century’s passionate attitude toward the milky breast:

When the babe, soon after it is born into this cold world, is applied to its mother’s bosom; its sense of perceiving warmth is first agreeably affected; next its sense of smell is delighted with the odour of her milk; then its taste is gratified by the flavour of it; afterwards the appetites of hunger and of thirst afford pleasure by the possession of their objects, and by the subsequent digestion of the aliment; and, lastly, the sense of touch is delighted by the softness and smoothness of the milky fountain, the source of such variety and happiness.

A half century later, across the Atlantic, this kind of thing had turned into a cult of motherhood, abundantly illustrated in daguerreotypes from the eighteen-fifties that showed babies suckling beneath the unbuttoned bodices of prim, sober American matrons, looking half Emily Dickinson, half Leonardo’s “Madonna and Child.”
Then, bizarrely, American women ran out of milk. “Every physician is becoming convinced that the number of mothers able to nurse their own children is decreasing,” one doctor wrote in 1887. Another reported that there was “something wrong with the mammary glands of the mothers in this country.” It is no mere coincidence that this happened just when the first artificial infant foods were becoming commercially available. Cows were proclaimed the new “wet nurse for the human race,” as the historian Adrienne Berney has pointed out in a study of the “maternal breast.” Tragically, many babies fed on modified cow’s milk died. But blaming those deaths on a nefarious alliance of doctors and infant-food manufacturers, as has become commonplace, seems both unfair and unduly influenced by later twentieth-century scandals (most infamously, Nestlé’s deadly peddling of infant formula in Africa and elsewhere, which led, in 1981, to the landmark International Code for Marketing Breastmilk Substitutes). In the United States, nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century physicians, far from pressing formula on their patients, told women that they ought to breast-feed. Many women, however, refused. They insisted that they lacked for milk, mammals no more.
In 1871, Erasmus Darwin’s grandson Charles published “Descent of Man,” in which he speculated that the anomalous occurrence in humans of extra nipples represented a reversion to an earlier stage of evolution. If our ancestors once suckled litters of four or six, and if—as was supposed—men had nipples because male mammals once produced milk, maybe women, too, were evolving out of the whole business. In 1904, one Chicago pediatrician argued that “the nursing function is destined gradually to disappear.” Gilded Age American women were so refined, so civilized, so delicate. How could they suckle like a barnyard animal? (By the turn of the century, the cow’s udder, or, more often, its head, had replaced the female human breast as the icon of milk.) Behind this question lay another: how could a white woman nurse a baby the way a black woman did? (Generations of black women, slave and free alike, not only nursed their own infants but also served as wet nurses to white babies.) Racial theorists ran microscopic tests of human milk: the whiter the mother, chemists claimed, the less nutritious her milk. On downy white breasts, rosy-red nipples had become all but vestigial. It was hardly surprising, then, that well-heeled women told their doctors that they had insufficient milk. By the nineteen-tens, a study of a thousand Boston women reported that ninety per cent of the poor mothers breast-fed, while only seventeen per cent of the wealthy mothers did. (Just about the opposite of the situation today.) Doctors, pointing out that evolution doesn’t happen so fast, tried to persuade these Brahmins to breast-feed, but by then it was too late.
The American epidemic of lactation failure depended, too, on the evolving design of baby bottles: so sleek, so clean, so scientific, so modern. The first U.S. patent for a baby bottle was issued in 1841; the device, shaped like a breast, could be held close to a mother’s chest, almost like a prosthetic. Year by year, bottles became less like breasts. The familial cylindrical bottle, called the Stork Nurser, dates from 1910 and is tied to the rise of the stork myth: milk comes from the milkman; babies come from storks. Perversely, Freud’s insistence that infants experience suckling as sexual pleasure proved a boon to stork-style repression, too: mothers, eager to keep infantile incestuous desire at arm’s length, propped their babies up in high chairs and handed them bottles.
Meanwhile, more and more women were giving birth in hospitals, which meant that, for the first time in human history, infants born prematurely, or very small, had a chance of survival—if only there were enough milk and a way to get it into the belly of a baby that was too tiny to suck at the breast.
In 1910, a Boston doctor, Fritz Talbot, spent three days searching for a wet nurse. He failed. Exasperated, Talbot established a placement service, the Boston Wet Nurse Directory. Across town, Francis Parkman Denny, caring for a sick baby, asked a neighbor to hand-express her milk for him. When the infant improved after drinking just three ounces, Denny, a bacteriologist, became convinced of the “bactericidal power” of human milk. The year after Talbot started his Wet Nurse Directory, Denny opened the first human-milk bank in the United States, collecting milk from donors using a breast pump whose design was inspired by bovine milking machines. (Milking machines are still cited in breast-pump patents; mechanically, Medela’s Pump In Style has much in common with DairyMaster’s Swiftflo.) Denny’s plan worked better: families who needed and could afford human milk did not generally like having poor women live with them; they preferred to have the milk delivered in bottles. Talbot stopped placing wet nurses and instead began distributing their milk; he renamed his agency the Directory of Mother’s Milk.
Once milk banks replaced wet nurses, human milk came to be treated, more and more, as a medicine, something to be prescribed and researched, tested and measured in flasks and beakers. Denny’s bottled, epidemiological model prevailed. Laboratory-made formulas improved, and aggressive marketing of processed infant food—not just bottles of formula but jars of mush and all manner of needless pap—grew to something between badgering and downright coercion. By the middle of the twentieth century, the majority of American women were feeding their babies formula. But, all the while, Erasmus Darwin’s rhapsodic view of the milky breast endured. “With his small head pillowed against your breast and your milk warming his insides, your baby knows a special closeness to you,” advised “The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding,” originally published by La Leche League in 1958, just two years after the league’s first meeting. “He is gaining a firm foundation in an important area of life—he is learning about love.” In the nineteen-sixties, nursing as a mammalian love-in began making a comeback, at least among wealthier women. (A brief history of food: when the rich eat white bread and buy formula, the poor eat brown bread and breast-feed; then they trade places.) In the decades since, the womanly art of breast-feeding has yielded, slowly but surely, to the medical science of human milk.
In 1997, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a policy statement on “Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk,” declaring human milk to be “species-specific” and recommending it as the exclusive food for the first six months of a baby’s life, to be followed by a mixed diet of solid foods and human milk until at least the end of the first year. In that statement, and in a subsequent revision, the A.A.P. cited research linking breast-feeding to the reduced incidence and severity of, among other things, bacterial meningitis, diarrhea, respiratory-tract infection, ear infection, urinary-tract infection, sudden-infant-death syndrome, diabetes mellitus, lymphoma, leukemia, Hodgkin’s disease, obesity, and asthma. The benefits of breast-feeding are unrivalled; breast-feeding rates in the United States are low; the combination makes for a public-health dilemma. In 2000, the Department of Health and Human Services announced its goal of increasing the proportion of mothers who breast-feed their babies “at initiation” (i.e., before they leave the hospital) from a 1998 baseline of sixty-four per cent to a 2010 target of seventy-five per cent; until the age of six months, from twenty-nine per cent to fifty per cent; at one year, from sixteen per cent to twenty-five per cent. (The same targets were announced in 1990; they were not reached.) Attempts to improve initiation rates have met with much, if spotty, success. The Rush University Medical Center, in Chicago, which runs a peer-counselling program called the Mother’s Milk Club, has achieved an astonishing initiation rate of ninety-five per cent; nationally, the rate is not quite seventy-five per cent. More difficult has been raising the rates at six and twelve months. The C.D.C., which issues an annual Breastfeeding Report Card, has announced that for babies born in 2005 the rate of exclusive breast-feeding at six months was only twelve per cent (although the rate of some breast-feeding at six months had risen to forty-three per cent).
One big reason so many women stop breast-feeding is that more than half of mothers of infants under six months old go to work. The 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act guarantees only twelve weeks of (unpaid) maternity leave and, in marked contrast to established practice in other industrial nations, neither the government nor the typical employer offers much more. To follow a doctor’s orders, a woman who returns to work twelve weeks after childbirth has to find a way to feed her baby her own milk for another nine months. The nation suffers, in short, from a Human Milk Gap.
There are three ways to bridge that gap: longer maternity leaves, on-site infant child care, and pumps. Much effort has been spent implementing option No. 3, the cheap way out. Medela distributes pumps in more than ninety countries, but its biggest market, by far, is the United States, where maternity leaves are so stinting that many women—blue-, pink-, and white-collar alike—return to work just weeks after giving birth. (Breasts supply milk in response to demand; if a woman is unable to put her baby to her breast regularly, she will stop producing milk regularly. Expressing not only provides milk to be stored for times when she is away; it also makes it possible for a working woman to keep nursing her baby at night and on weekends.) In 1998, Congress authorized states to use food-stamp funds granted to the U.S.D.A.’s Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) to buy or rent breast pumps for eligible mothers. Breast-feeding rates rise with maternal age, education, and income. Medela offers a Corporate Lactation Program, free advice for employers seeking to reduce absenteeism and health-insurance costs by establishing “Mother’s Rooms,” equipped, ideally, with super-duper electric pumps, because “breastpumps with double-pumping options save time and can even help increase a mother’s milk supply.” The loss of productivity, Medela promises, is slight: “If each employee uses safe, effective, autocycling breastpumps, each visit to the Mother’s Room should last no longer than 10 to 15 minutes.”
Even more intensive has been the energy directed toward legislative reform. Many states have recently passed laws about breast-feeding, having to do with option No. 3. Must companies supply employees with refrigerators to store milk expressed during the workday? Twenty-one states, along with Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia, require employers to make a “reasonable effort” to accommodate nursing mothers and their bottled milk, although these laws are, generally, toothless. As a rule, the posher the employer, the plusher the pump station. Traders at Goldman Sachs can use an online booking service to reserve time in dedicated lactation rooms, equipped with pumps and chairs; baristas at Starbucks are left to line up to use the customers’ loo. In 2007, Oregon became the first state to pass a law requiring companies with more than twenty-five employees to provide “non-bathroom” lactation rooms. (A national media campaign asks, reasonably enough, if you wouldn’t make your kid a sandwich in a public rest room, why would you expect a woman to bottle her baby’s milk in one?) Virginia and Maryland recently joined twenty-three other states and the Virgin Islands in exempting women who expose their breasts while suckling infants from indecency laws. Whether pumping in public is obscene has not yet been tested—honestly, who would want to?—but, what with all these lactation rooms, maybe that won’t come up.
More rules are under consideration. Can a woman or her employer get a tax break for producing or storing milk? Maryland exempts breast pumps from its sales tax, but a congressional sub-committee is still mulling over the Breastfeeding Promotion Act. The goals of the bill are to add the word “lactation”—defined as “the feeding of a child directly from the breast or the expressing of milk from the breast”—to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and to allow a tax credit of up to ten thousand dollars per year to companies that provide their employees with pumps or pump rooms. A better title for the proposed legislation might be the Breast Pump Promotion Act.
The cynical politics of pump promotion would seem, at first, to be obvious. Breast pumps can be useful, even indispensable and, in some cases, lifesaving. But a thing doesn’t have to be underhanded to feel cold-blooded. Non-bathroom lactation rooms are such a paltry substitute for maternity leave, you might think that the craze for pumps—especially pressing them on poor women while giving tax breaks to big businesses—would be met with skepticism in some quarters. Not so. The National Organization for Women wants more pumps at work: NOW’s president, Kim Gandy, complains that “only one-third of mega-corporations provide a safe and private location for women to pump breast milk for their babies.” (When did “women’s rights” turn into “the right to work”?) The stark difference between employer-sponsored lactation programs and flesh-and-blood family life is difficult to overstate. Pumps put milk into bottles, even though many of breast-feeding’s benefits to the baby, and all of its social and emotional benefits, come not from the liquid itself but from the smiling and cuddling (stuff that people who aren’t breast-feeding can give babies, too). Breast-feeding involves cradling your baby; pumping involves cupping plastic shields on your breasts and watching your nipples squirt milk down a tube. But this truth isn’t just rarely overstated; it’s rarely stated at all. In 2004, when Playtex débuted a breast pump called the Embrace, no one bothered to point out that something you plug into a wall socket is a far cry from a whisper and a kiss. Rhode Island’s Physicians’ Committee for Breastfeeding gives an annual award for the most “Breastfeeding-Friendly Workplace,” a merit measured, in the main, by the comforts provided in pumping rooms, like the gold-medal winner’s “soothing room,” equipped with “a sink, a lock on the door, and literature.” It appears no longer within the realm of the imaginable that, instead of running water and a stack of magazines, “breastfeeding-friendly” could mean making it possible for women and their babies to be together. Some lactation rooms even make a point of banning infants and toddlers, lest mothers smuggle them in for a quick nip. At the University of Minnesota, staff with keys can pump their milk at the Expression Connection, but the sign on the door warns: “This room is not intended for mothers who need a space to nurse their babies.”
Lately, some WIC officers have begun to worry that pump promotion might be backfiring, having “the unintended effect of discouraging breastfeeding.” But such cautions have hardly stopped the anti-formula fire and brimstone. Between 2004 and 2006, a National Breastfeeding Awareness Campaign included TV ads that likened a mother feeding her baby formula to a pregnant woman riding a mechanical bull: “You’d never take risks before your baby is born. Why start after?” No one seems especially worried about women whose risk assessment looks like this: “Should I take three twenty-minute pumping ‘breaks’ during my workday, or use formula and get home to my baby an hour earlier?”
Pumps can be handy; they’re also a handy way to avoid privately agonizing and publicly unpalatable questions: is it the mother, or her milk, that matters more to the baby? Gadgets are one of the few ways to “promote breast-feeding” while avoiding harder—and divisive and more stubborn—social and economic issues. Is milk medicine? Is suckling love? Taxonomical questions are tricky. Meanwhile, mamma ex machina. Medela’s newest models offer breakthrough “2-Phase Expression” technology: phase one “simulates the baby’s initial rapid suckling to initiate faster milk flow”; phase two “simulates the baby’s slower, deeper suckling for maximum milk flow in less time.” These newest machines, the company promises, “work less like a pump and more like a baby.” More like a baby? Holy cow. We are become our own wet nurses.

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