
袁大头是民国时期主要流通货币之一,"袁大头"是对袁世凯像系列硬币的口语俗称,严谨点说叫"袁世凯像背嘉禾银币"。北洋政府为了整顿币制,划一银币,于民国三年(1914年)二月,颁布《国币条例》十三条,决定实行银本位制度。《国币条例》规定:"以库平纯银六钱四分八厘为价格之单位,定名为圆","一圆银币,总重七钱二分,银八九,铜一一","一圆银币用数无限制",即以一圆银币为无限法偿的本位贷币。根据这一规定,于1914年12月及1915年2月, 先后由造币总厂及江南造币厂开铸一圆银币,币面镌刻袁世凯头像,俗称"袁头币"或"袁大头" 。

Yuan Datou was one of the main circulating currencies in the period of the Republic of China. Yuan Datou was a colloquial term for Yuan Shikai's serial coins. It was called "Yuan Shikai's portrait carrying Jiahe silver coins". In order to rectify the monetary system , the Beiyang government, in February of 1914, promulgated Article 13 of the National Monetary Regulations, and decided to implement the silver standard system. The National Monetary Ordinance stipulates that "the unit of price is 6.4 cents and 8 cents Sterling Silver in the Treasury level, and it is designated as a circle", "a round silver coin, weighing 7.2 cents, silver 89, copper 11", and "a dollar silver coin with unlimited usage", ie a dollar silver coin is the standard currency for unlimited repayment. According to this regulation,in December 1914 and February 1915, a round silver coin was minted by the Mint General and Jiangnan Mint, and the coin was engraved with the head of Yuan Shikai, commonly known as "Yuan Tou coin" or "Yuan Datou".


民国三年版正面为袁世凯侧面像,上列"中华民国三年"。"年"字后没有"造"字,其他年版都在"年"字后面有一"造"字。三年版"民"字中有一"点",而其他年版民字无"点"。三年版有老模和新模两种模具,老模具为185道边齿,新模具为170道边齿,铸量都较多,属普通流通版。铸造量较少的版别有:(1)"O"记版。即在嘉禾图案中有"O"形暗记,在嘉禾结带处呈横"8"字形,左上方的带孔中有一极小的"O"形圆圈,而且袁像下巴前衣领未封领,肩章较宽,五星比较凸出。O版又分普通O版、O版大肩章'华'字有横版、O版小肩章长叶修壹版、O版小肩章长叶修壹开口贝版、O版中肩章错配长叶修壹版、O版(中肩章/小肩章)直芒版、O版大肩章直芒版、O版中肩章实心O版、O版中肩章无O版、O版大肩章凸粗O版、 O大肩章版穿心O版、O版大肩章双O版、O版实心O(眼泪版)、O版三角圆、O版三角圆(睁眼版)、O版三角圆'圆'字不封口、O版三角圆'华'字有横、O版三角圆错配中肩章、O版小肩章(O版无O )。

The main publication in the three edition of the Republic of China:

The three year edition of the Republic of China is Yuan Shikai's profile, with the "three years of the Republic of China" listed above. The word "Nian" does not have the word "created". The other year edition has a word " built" after the word "Nian". In the three year edition, there is a "point" in the word "Min", while in other years, there is no "point". The third edition has two kinds of molds: old mold and new mold. The old mold has 185 edge teeth, and the new mold has 170 edge teeth. The castings are more, which belong to the general circulation edition. There are fewer lines for casting: (1) "O". That is to say, there is an "O" shape in the pattern of Jiahe, which is a horizo​​ntal "8" shape at the junction of Jiahe.There is a very small "O" shape circle in the upper left hole, and Yuan's jaw collar is not sealed, shoulder band is wider, and the five-star is more prominent. The O edition is divided into ordinary O edition, O edition big shoulder seal'Hua'word has horizo​​ntal edition, O edition small shoulder seal long leaf Xiu Yi edition, O edition small shoulder seal long leaf Xiu Yi open shellfish edition, O edition medium shoulder seal mismatched long leaf Xiu Yi edition, O edition ( medium shoulder seal / small shoulder seal) straight awn edition, O edition big shoulder seal straight awn edition, O edition solid O edition, O edition medium shoulder seal no O edition, O edition big shoulder seal convex thick edition. O big shoulder plate wearing heart O edition, O big shoulder plate double O edition, O solid O edition (tear),O triangle circle, O triangle circle (open eyes), O triangle circle'circle'word is not sealed, O triangle circle'Hua' word has horizo​​ntal, O triangle circle mismatch in the shoulder plate, O small shoulder plate (O edition without O).



The main publication in the nine edition of the Republic of China

The nine-year common edition includes nine-year semen, nine-year semen, three-year back, nine-year middle, nine-year middle Jiahe, nine-year coarse hair and nine-year Hainan edition. In addition, the relatively few versions have been built in nine years, 7 years, nine years, nine years. Except for the Hainan edition, the nine-year-old Taitou coin carvers of the other common formats are exceptionally beautiful, which can be said to be even more beautiful than the three-year-old Tianjin standard edition, especially the fine-grained edition, both the fonts, portraits and Jiahe patterns are exquisite, which is also a major feature of the nine-year period. Here are the following:



The main publication in the nine edition of the Republic of China:

The nine-year common edition includes nine-year semen, nine-year semen, three-year back, nine-year middle, nine-year middle Jiahe, nine-year coarse hair and nine-year Hainan edition. In addition, the relatively few versions have been built in nine years, 7 years, nine years, nine years. Except for the Hainan edition, the nine-year-old Taitou coin carvers of the other common formats are exceptionally beautiful, which can be said to be even more beautiful than the three-year-old Tianjin standard edition, especially the fine-grained edition, both the fonts, portraits and Jiahe patterns are exquisite, which is also a major feature of the nine-year period. Here are the following:














A few days ago, the Central Emperor's Auction Co., Ltd. collected three Yuan Datou O tablets in the third year of the Republic of China, Yuan Datou in the ninth year of the Republic of China, and Yuan Datou in the tenth year of the Republic of China. The coins are well preserved, the handwriting is vigorous and powerful, the lines are clear and very beautiful, and the old ways are natural and rare coins.


This collection is from the ancestral collection of Ms. Li in Jilin, China. We are looking for the most eye-catching collector. We sincerely hope to delineate this collection. Please contact the relevant business personnel of our company for advance consultation.

  • 发表于 2019-07-16 20:07
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