3月26号周二夜徒:南部圣淘沙 South of Sentosa Island


26th Mar,Tuesday Night Hike: South of Sentosa Island


For walking enthusiasts and nature lovers!Come join us to take an evening brisk walk to South of Sentosa Island!

活动策划: 新加坡徒步群

Event Planner: Singapore Hiking

领队: 小芳

Leader of the Group: Ms. Xiao Fang


Protector of the team in the back: Ms. Zheng ShuYun


Set out time: 7:30pm Sharp on 26 Mar.No waiting for late comers!

出发地点: 拉柏多公园地铁站(CC27)A出口

Starting Point: Labrador Park MRT Station(CC27), Exit A

结束地点: 港湾地铁站(NE1/CC29)

Ending Point: HarbourFront MRT Station(NE1/CC29)



Hike Route:

Heading out from the Labrador Park MRT station exit A, we will walkto Labrador Park, harbor Front Shopping centre and Vivo City, then walk to SentosaBoardwalk, Universal Studio and Festive Hotel Sentosa. We will go back to theHarbourFront MRT Station through the Siloso attractions which includes SilosoBeach, Palawan Beach and the outer circle of Sentosa.

距离: 13公里 Distance: 13 km

徒步时间: 2个半小时 Walking Time: 2.5 hours

难度: 中等 Difficulty Level: Moderate

适合人群: 12-60岁 Suitable for people aged 12 to 60



Leader’s Addres:

Labrador Nature Reserve Park and the most famous Sentosa Island inthe south, with natural beauty and coastal trails. Let’s hike around thereserve to enjoy the beautiful scenery, enjoy the unique and peaceful tropicalislands of Sentosa, Enjoy nightfall and the dream islands which are colorful,fine works of art, whispering birds, fragrant flowers and fresh air! It isrelaxing and lingering. Let’s go hiking together! The eco-natural tropical landscapeis close at hand! Let’s have an intimate contact with nature and the romanticisland!


1. 自备所需的饮用水,干粮,雨具,照明及防蚊喷雾剂等。

2. 行进途中请注意安全,紧跟队伍不要擅自离队;请听从领队和护尾的指挥,以免发生意外;队友之间请团结友爱,互相照应。

3. 徒步自愿,风险自担。徒步过程中出现任何意外,请联系您的个人保险公司,徒步群将不承担任何责任。

4. 到达徒步现场必须主动找领队签到,否则领队没有点到名,将视为缺席此次活动。 5. 替别人或给多人报名者,需要写清楚所有参加者的微信名字,以方便后台统计。

Gentle Reminders:

1. Prepare water, unperishable food, an umbrellaand mosquito repellent.

2. Please pay attention to safety on the way, keepin step with the team and follow the commands given by the leader. In order toavoid accidents, we encourage teamwork and watch over each other.

3. This activity is completely voluntary, you are to join at your own risk. Singapore Hiking Group will not take anyresponsibility for any accidents that occurred in the course of the activity.

4. You are required to report to leader when you arrive,Otherwise it will be treated as absent if the leader doesn’t count your name.

5. The Wechat names of all participants should be clearly written,this is for the convenience of the administrator to compile the data.



三分钟阿裕尼MRT的公寓普通间出租,水电网齐全,有空调,拎包入住;周围BUS方便,周边超市食阁便利;入住: 整套住人很少,立即可以入住。价格:1000SGD,全包。




How to join Singapore Hiking WeChat Group:

入群条件: 每季度最少参加徒步活动一次

Participation condition: Take hike at leastonce every quarter


To join: Join any of our hike events, and ask team leader or team protector invite you into the Singapore Hiking Wechat Group on site;

如何报名参加/取消参加本次活动:(How to Confirm/Cancel join this event)


1st Step: (Only for first time user), Scan the QR code below to follow Singapore Hiking WeChat platform and back to this “event information”


2nd Step: Click on the light blue “Write Comments”below here, Write “Attend” or “Cancel” and Submit.

  • 发表于 2019-07-14 07:54
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