
刚刚花大价钱买了东西,希望能够帮忙退税的同学朋友们能帮我们一下(持学生证不足一年的同学可以退税),10%酬劳。多谢, 9177 6729 或者 短消息联系。
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Eligibility criteria:
If you are on a student pass, in addition to the above criteria, you are eligible only if you intend to depart and remain outside Singapore for a minimum period of 12 months. The Scheme also only covers goods that you purchase in the last 4 months to the expiry of your student pass. The goods must also be brought out within 2 months from the date of purchase.


Making a false declaration in the refund form to Singapore Customs is a serious offence.
Taking the goods out of the Departure Hall or passing the goods to someone else after getting the refund form has been endorsed by Singapore Customs is also a serious offence.
Offences committed under the Scheme attract penalties and possible imprisonment.

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