不好意思说错了... 纠正一下...
入籍后养老看病继承财产, 是怎样的, 可以与我们分享吗? 请告之,谢谢.
Reply from Uncle Agony
With regards to the legal issues relating to growing old, medical care and succession the question lies not whether you become a Singaporean but more whether you are habitually domiciled in Singapore.
As long as you are a permanent residence you can stay permanently in Singapore and grow old here.
Of Course when it comes to medical care there will always be a difference between Permanent Residence and Citizens with the citizens having better treatment.
There are case where permanent residence realizing this in their later life and then attempting to take up citizenship only to realize that by then the age criteria has passed.
-Apart from that it boils down to a question of living on adequate insured
-Away in Singapore your assets will be distributed under the succession law if you are habitually resident here ie you have been staying in Singapore for more than three (3) years in a stretch.