
我的女朋友在中国医科大学读影像专业。现在马上本科毕业了,我想问一下有没有人知道以下情况的: 1. 这边的医院是不是承认中国医科大学的文凭。我女朋友是不是可以直接申请在这边医院操作X光和B 超。 2. 如果暂时不能过来,她就在国内考研究生了。现在考高护研究生比较好考。请问国内的高护在这边是不是好找工作。 3. 请问她能不能在这边取得一个学位什么的?比如可以在这边考高护吗?专业知识什么的她都不成问题。如果不能考高护,还有什么别的学校可以让她获得这边的学位吗?南洋poly好像有医科,但是不知道毕业了之后好不好找工作。 4. 如果她国内的文凭在这边不能被承认,那么有没有什么认证考试?也就是说经过了这个考试她的文凭就可以被承认了。 小弟代表我自己和我老婆在这里谢谢大家了:)
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2 个回答


correct me if I'm wrong
1. you cannot
2. you need nursing degree here to work in S'pore hospital
3. if you study NYP nursing diploma, should be able to get a job; we have a lot of scholarship recipients from China who studies in NYP, they all work in a hospital after obtaining the diploma
4. not that i'm aware of

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Singapore is in shortage of doctors
from the straits time today, singapore recognised 20 more medical degrees of other countries.. which bring the total number to 160 foreign institutions.
1. you should check whether singapore recognize ur gf's school and so as her degree..
if her degree recognized, it might be much easier to come to singapore to work.
2. she might be able to try to come to singapore to take master course. NUS has increased its intake of medical students, but it seems very hard to get secure a place at NUS. also the tuition fee quite expensive.. thus, several factors you need to consider
3. NYP provide nursing courses. should be easy to get a job as a nurse.
4. Take master in those medical schools

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