带了1年半了吧,再有两个星期就摘了,还好在HYP的final presentation之前,所以这个丑陋的样子,不会写入珍贵时刻。的确是丑了大概有1年半的时间,整个嘴常常是肿的,嘴唇壁也是增生变厚的。一开始,我还常常逗身边人,说我是机器嘴,常常要manually 的把嘴和上。而且我扒的牙应该是最多的了,7颗,还有3颗智齿,我第4颗智齿也长出来了,大概又要拔掉。没有你写的那么suffering,又或者我的神经末梢不是很发达,所以也有点遗憾的发现我没有当真为牙套而瘦下来,因为你适应了这点小痛之后,发现它抵不住美食的诱惑。所以,最终减肥还是要通过恒心和运动的,不同于牙套,这是件一辈子的事业。
小S的牙套日记告诉我唯一有用的信息就是,带牙套不影响kiss,真的不影响呀,我animal test approved.
I did it in Mount Elizabeth
Dr. Alfred Cheng Orthodontic Clinic
Mount Elizabeth Medical Center
3 Mount Elizabeth #03-03
Singapore 228510
Tel: 6735 5635
Actually this Dr. was referred to me by my colleague she is also wearing braces now. The Doctor is very professional and speciallised. He only does Orthodontics; so even the extraction I went to another Dentist referred by him also in Mount Elizabeth Medical Center. The dentist for extraction is very good also.
Prices wise, there are two catagories:
1. Iron braces, S$3800
2. Ceramic braces, S$4500
Those prices includes everything such as X-ray, but no extraction, since you have to do it in another clinic. For the extraction, it is S$80, quite worth in my opinion.
From April onwards, there will be 5% GST added ontop of every bill.
If you choose S$3800, you will need to pay S$400 each for the first 3 appointments, then S$100 by instalment in the following appointments until the end. (exclusive GST).
If you choose S$4500, the only difference is you pay S$600 each for the first 3 appointments.
Feel free to ask me if you have other concerns. :)