[招聘] 西安电子科技大学综合业务网理论及关键技术国家重点实验室主任招聘启事

2. 在本领域具有较深的学术造诣且在国内外有较高的知名度,有突出的学术成就;
4. 能把握信息与通信领域的发展方向,具有长远的战略构思;
1. 实验室主任一届任期5年,可连任,但最多任两届;
2. 实验室具有良好的科学研究环境与条件,具有相对独立的人事权、财务权等相关权利,并配备专职人员协助开展实验室的日常管理工作;
3. 提供良好的工作和生活条件,海外应聘专家可以实行年薪制。薪酬等待遇问题,按照国家和学校相关规定,在面谈时具体协商。
1. 本人简历(包括出生年月、出生地、现国籍、受教育经历、工作及科研经历和专业业绩);
2. 实验室建设及管理工作设想和预期工作目标;
3. 反映本人学术成就的材料:学历证书、学位证书、职称证明的复印件,论著目录,论文被收录及引用情况,5件左右的代表作复印件;主持完成的科研项目情况,参加重大国际学术活动和交流情况,国内外重要学术组织兼职情况;获国内外及省部级以上科技成果奖励证书的复印件等;
4. 三名推荐人的推荐信及其联系信息。

1、西安电子科技大学人事处联系人: 杨军诚 朱伟
通信地址:中国.西安 西沣路兴隆段266号西安电子科技大学人事处
邮政编码:710126 联系电话:(0086)29-81891776(传真) 、81891770
Email: [email protected]
2、综合业务网理论及关键技术国家重点实验室联系人:尹伟谊 宋彬
通信地址:中国 陕西省西安市太白南路2号 西安电子科技大学119信箱
邮政编码:710071 联系电话:(0086)29-88202524
Email: [email protected][email protected]
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Recruitment for
Director of State Key Laboratory of Integrated Services Network Xidian University, Xi’an, China

Xidian University is a national key university under the Ministry of Education, which is supported by the Project of National Innovative Platform of Dominant Discipline and Project 211. The State Key Laboratory of Integrated Services Network (ISN), located in Xidian University, was approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology in 1989, and passed through the National Evaluation with the good results in 2002, 2007 and 2012.
Aiming at the forefront of international academic and major national demands, ISN engages in the research of theory and key technology of new communications network. Its research interests are focused on the communications network system architecture and key technologies, high-performance image and video compression coding, channel and network coding theories and methods, as well as information transmission theory and technology. The laboratory has become an important base of high level scientific research, academic exchanges and talent training.
According to the “Construction and Management Regulations for State Key Laboratory of Ministry of Science and Technology”, we invite candidates who are the outstanding experts and scholars from home and abroad to apply for Director of ISN. The specific issues are as follows:
1. Position Descriptions
(1) Responsible for designing and implementing the Plan for Laboratory Strategies and Development;
(2) Responsible for recruiting domestic and foreign talents to build a high-level research team with a great impact;
(3) Responsible for enhancing the research ability to undertake major projects and obtain a number of highlights results;
(4) Responsible for promoting multi-disciplinary cooperation and exchanges to improve the laboratory influence;
(5) Responsible for establishing advanced management model and culture to promote the smooth development of the laboratory.
2. Qualifications
(1) Good health, and no older than 55 years old (no limitation for the outstanding scholars). The working time is required no less than 9 months each year in this laboratory;
(2) Having great scientific attainments and high domestic and international recognition, achieved outstanding results;
(3) Having strategic vision and innovative thinking of Laboratory development;
(4) Having the ability of steering the development direction of information and communication field and a long-term development strategy;
(5) Having a high degree of professionalism and the strong ability of organizational management and coordination.
3. Duration and remuneration
(1) The director serves the laboratory for an initial term of five years and is renewable once for five additional years;
(2) The laboratory has a good scientific research environment and conditions, and the director has independent personnel and financial rights, and is equipped with a full-time staff to assist in the daily management;
(3) The laboratory provides good working and living conditions. The remuneration of the director can be adopted annual salary system and is complying with the relevant provisions of the state and Xidian University, and can be consulted when interviewing.
4. Documents needed
It can be applied from the date of publishing this recruitment notice and the deadline is February 8, 2013. When applying, candidates are required to provide the following documents:
(1) The resume (including date of birth, place of birth, current nationality, education background, work and research experience and professional performance);
(2) Proposals of laboratory development and management, short-term and long-term goals;
(3) Material about the academic achievements: academic certificates, diplomas, the copy of the titles certification, the list of the publications, paper indexing and citation, copies of 5 representative papers; completed research projects, the list of participating in major international academic activities and organizations; copies of certificates of domestic and international achievements;
(4) Three reference letters.
If passing the document review, the specific interviewing time will be informed.
5. Contact
(1) Personnel Office: Mr. Yang Juncheng, and Mr. Zhu Wei
Address: Personnel Office, Xidian University, No. 266 Xinglong Section of Xifeng Road, Xi’an 710123, China,
Tel: +86-29-81891770
Email: [email protected]
(2) State Key Laboratory of ISN: Mrs. Yin Weiyi, and Mr. Song Bin
Address: P. O. Box 119, Xidian University, No.2 South Taibai Road, Xi’an 710071, China,
Tel: +86-29-88202524
Email: [email protected][email protected]

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