2.马来人木有积极融入还有一个就是在他自传写的,大意就是说 马来人没有主动融入新加坡,然后出书后,惹了巨大争议,后来道歉了,说可能现在不这么样吧。。。这个是我小学课本教的,所以蛮出名的。。。。。
4. 新加坡的Stop at 2类似中国的一胎政策。。但是新加坡的是2个。。但不是强制性的Lee was concerned that the population of Singapore was growing rapidly and had social programs in place to curb people from having a third child. The Third Child was the Unwanted Anathema back in the 1970s.The program proved too effective and by 1987, they needed a "Have 3 or more, if you can afford it" program.