我们去年12月14日在Turf city 交押金从 Pinnacle 买一辆Toyota corola Axio 25 号付完钱。 这星期2 收到注册卡, Registration date is 14Jan2010. 让我感到非常不满的是发现这车是2008 造的。我们第一次买车,当时也没问, 那个卖车的也没跟我们说, 后来我们一看 那张纸上 确实有写 model: Toyota corola Axio.08. 那家伙说他 expect 我们知道 the car was made in 2008 from the indicated model.
Our thinking is that we bought the car around the end of 2009, of course we expected the car was made in 2009, early 2009 is also acceptable. If we were told clearly that the car were manufactured in 2008, we wouldn't buy the car at all.
Anyone has similar experience? 怎么解决?
还有我算是见识到了卖车的人的人品有多差, 气得我火冒三丈。我们买新车的一个很大原因是不想找麻烦, 因为从二手车商买车, 很多时候会碰到意想不到的麻烦。看来全世界的car dealer 确实是 最不可相信的一群人。 建议大家买新车还是去 正式的经销商